THE SONG hard look at what makes a great Worship song PRE-PRODUCTION
Hillsong’s lyrics have that Bono-like quality great and documenting that in your notes. Every Sunday can and arguably should be
where it really feels like poetry set to motion. If Tempo, lyrics, the ‘hook’, melody, arrangement, thought of as a pre-production opportunity to
you want to write amazing lyrics that stand on form, instrumentation, and dynamics are the work on your arrangement, blend, pitch, tempo,
their own, try writing some poetry, and I’m not colors that bring the musical canvas of Worship and dynamics skills individually and as a team,
kidding! I’d also suggest the ‘Baloche method’ to life. So, make the most of each one of those so be sure to record and listen to your services.
of opening your Bible and singing scripture. without overstating them in the process. Too The recording studio is not the time or place to
These two vehicles will work wonders in terms much salt is never a good thing – right? discover that one or more of your vocalists is
of not writing predictable lyrics (yuck) while
chronically out of tune, or that your drummer
bringing the inspiration of scripture into your THE INSTRUMENTATION can’t actually play to the click. Noting that when
songwriting process. The reason I’d suggest One of the things that I keep hearing from the I was serving as a Worship and Creative Arts
starting with the poetry side is that it will Christian songwriters I interview is that if it Director at a small church, I spent a number
jump start your wordsmithing abilities before doesn’t sound great when sung with just an of Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons
you start singing scripture. In turn your ability acoustic guitar or a piano, all the production working with individual musicians on tempo
to write lyrics that are born out of scripture genius you can add won’t make a mediocre and pitch. Instead of bouncing people off the
that aren’t predictable will have a practical song great. Another great thing about starting team, I was able to play an integral role in
starting place. with an acoustic instrument is that there is very helping them make a valuable contribution.
little production needed to jump in the driver’s
Harmonically speaking, Worship music is not seat and get going. The song will tend to reveal RECORDING
overly complicated, so the gateway is pretty obvious peaks and valleys, and if it doesn’t, In the next installment of this column we’ll
wide, even if you’re just getting started. Noting having studied the form of other songs that pick up with the recording studio part of the
that your audience already has a range of music are similar will inspire you on some directions equation. Looking forward to it!
they’re already responding to, my suggestion is you can potentially take your song in terms to not spend too much time trying to reinvent of the drum feel, basslines, and potential the wheel. In fact, I’d suggest taking a good guitar melodies.
May 2019
Doug Doppler
Doug is the Editorial Director for Worship Musician
and Gear Tech + Recording magazines.
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