things from God with the people. If we maintain stage and off. Could you describe what that is
that personal relationship day to day, that and what you do?
movement is not going to stop, those special
productions themselves as well.
[WM] We’re super excited to include you in
moments that we’ve had, I feel like it’s been [Chris] The three brothers are basically in this issue, so thanks for taking the time to fit us
collectively put together through the years, and charge of seeing the overall vision of the in around your sound check. Is there anything
that’s what it’s about. We could talk about the ministry. Luis says he is in charge of the more else that you’d like to add?
experiences we’ve had in all of the different logistical parts, like the tours. Sammy, the nations, but to us, it’s more about the day to youngest brother, is in charge of the legal [Josh] Thank you so much for taking the time
day relationship we have with God. aspects, and the musical aspects during the and opening your doors to the band, and to
actual concerts, the live musical aspects. Josh pay attention to what we are doing.
[WM] Each of you plays a unique role both on
is more in charge of the pastoring, and the
May 2019
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