a country with such a small percentage of your music – yet. Which songs of yours would [Chris] We’re all pretty big fans of Chris Tomlin.
Spanish-speaking residents? you suggest they listen to first? I believe Josh’s wife is a big fan of Kari Jobe
as well. But to sum up from my perspective of
[Josh] We see it as a gift that we are able to [Josh] I wish they could listen to all of them! what I’ve seen, we are very huge fans of what’s
go to a new place and know new people and (laughs) But if there is a song that sums up our going on in the English industry. The whole
connect with them. What we can see is that ministry and what we’re about it would be “No Bethel movement that’s going on right now is
there is a lot of hunger for God. As soon as we Hay Lugar Mas Alto”. huge. And obviously Hillsong, because it’s hard
stepped foot here in Canada we felt the love
to grow up, especially for me, to grow up in the
from the people, the people have been very [WM] Who are some of the worship artists church atmosphere without being impacted by
loving towards us and we felt like family. and teams that have impacted you the most Hillsong. They’ve obviously been huge pioneers
and why? of the worship movement for the past ten or
[WM] Your songs are played at churches
fifteen years. So, one of our biggest influences
all over Latin America every week, but many [Josh] I’ve been impacted a lot by what Bethel has been Hillsong, and recently it’s been Bethel
worship teams here in the U.S. have not heard is doing. And Chris Tomlin as well. as well.
May 2019
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