NOW WHAT? | Kent Morris
Easter was late this year, but now it’s over and start a list of things to remember on the notes Apostle Paul considered his afflictions to be
“normalcy” has returned to the tech booth. section of your phone and act on the list as light and he was chained to a wall in a dank,
After all the scrambling to get extra wireless opportunity arises. When you are at Home wet prison, so our loss of sleep working late
working, the dash to grab AA batteries twenty Depot getting some plants for the mailbox bed, doesn't really hold a candle to real suffering.
minutes before doors and the frantic texts when check your list and go ahead and pick up the Plus, as we say on the road, it’s not a real gig
the intercom went down during the service, it’s Panduit you need for a cable run up the wall as until somebody bleeds. You need some skin
finished. Now what? What did we learn from the well as those essential AA batteries. Yes, Pro in the game to legitimately be able to regale
busyness of the season and what lessons can Cells are preferred, but they are at the Batteries people later at the church cook out.
we apply to the upcoming Fourth of July and Plus store and you may not get there today, so Christmas programs? Here are some thoughts: better to buy some Energizers now when it’s 5. Do make some down time afterward. As
top of mind. much as we feel compelled to roll from one
1. Usually, issues arise when events are event to the next, there must be some time to
padded, or amended, to include things not in decompress or our exhaustion and, yes, anger
the original design. The worship pastor decides
to add cello and violin to a special at the last
moment. The speaking pastor decides now is
a good time to have a dramatic clip added to
Every production
test it. Part of the solution is to be proactive
in the design phase. Before the initial staff
meeting takes place, send an email to
attendees stressing the need to have technical
requirements laid out prior to approval and
how those requirements will change, at great
expense, if the event is changed. Then, given
the fact your email will be completely ignored,
plan on extra inputs and sources because we
know what’s coming.
2. There is never time to do it right, but always
time to do it over. In the long run, it is easier
to plan and execute a detailed approach rather
than make it up as we go along, but churches
don’t often work that way. Try to get leadership
on board with procedures designed to take the
typically aimed at a vocalist complaining the
monitor sounds “too green.” Being able to step
has negative
away requires someone else be trained in your
the sermon. This is the moment when things
go wrong because we had no opportunity to
will emerge in a spectacularly negative manner,
role. If you are part of a healthy tech team, your
moments, but
don’t focus on
absence will be noted, but not catastrophic.
When in the midst of doing, don’t forget to
show others how to do your job. Always
find opportunity to make yourself a little less
essential to the task.
them as you
6. Forgive and forget. Whatever happened on a
prepare for the
next one. Learn
from them and
personal basis last time does not need to cloud
the current production. We all make mistakes
and sometimes we fail in our Christlikeness.
Roll on. Don’t get caught up in the drama and
turn church into a reality TV show.
Easter is renewal and rebirth. Use what
plan a better
happened April 21 as a reminder of our need to
course of action...
cast aside frustration and delve into making the
rest of the year the best it can be. Keep moving
guesswork out of events. Make up a simple, forward, improving ourselves a little each time
but comprehensive spreadsheet showing what we set up and mix. And be sure to collect those
needs to happen in an effective “if, then” format. memories and store them in your heart.
Sell the fact it makes their part of the service 4. Store the victories in your heart, not the
more effective if we are all on the same page. frustrations. Every production has negative
moments, but don’t focus on them as you
3. Details kill the big picture. Two dead AA prepare for the next one. Learn from them and
batteries can bring any event to an immediate plan a better course of action, but internally
halt. Two weeks before the big production, harbor the souls saved and lives changed. The
May 2019
Kent Morris
Kent is a 40-year veteran of the AVL arena driven by
passion for excellence tempered by the knowledge
digital is a temporary state.
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