That’s a totally valid concern, after all, if a setup 3. THE SOFTWARE ROUTE MAKES EVERYTHING visual customization, file management, and
isn’t reliable it doesn’t really matter how good it SIMPLE (OR COMPLICATED) near infinite flexibility and the primary reason
sounds, right?
I’m such a proponent of the software keys rig
I probably come across as a ‘software-based is that once you settle into a workflow you’ll
Here’s how I generally like to approach this: your rig apologist’ (that’s because I am) but if anyone generally find it easy to build and maintain
level of familiarity and intentionality with your paints a rosy picture for you of impeccably momentum as you go.
software based setup is inversely proportional EQ’d, studio-quality, perfectly time-synced, to your likelihood of failure. The more time breath-taking sonic-goodness with little or no and effort you put into learning the basics of effort, they’re not shooting straight with you.
MIDI, learning your hardware, and learning
While I could go on about the potential benefits
how to optimize your software of choice for live Setting up a great software keys rig takes a lot of software keys rigs, I could also write another
performance, the fewer issues you’ll have. of effort, just like a hardware keys rig. It takes ten columns about possible pitfalls. The truth
time, practice, and preparation. You’ll spend is that every worship musician, keys player,
Software based keys rigs are now trusted a lot more time upfront getting everything and band is unique and poised for next steps
and used by professional touring musicians set-up just as you’d like than you probably that may or may not align with the common
of all kinds, from small venues to the largest would with most hardware workstations. The understanding of what’s “best.” The key as
arenas in the world. Anecdotally, I’ve used a fact that in most software you can customize always, is to do your research, ask for the
MainStage-based rig exclusively for five-plus almost anything also means that things may opinions of those you respect who are further
years without a backup and I’ve had exactly not always gel together perfectly on the first down the road than you, and at a certain point
zero crashes during a live performance in that pass. The software-based rig doesn’t make trust your gut and commit to trying something
time. Let me be clear, there are more possible everything simple, at least not right away. new. You won’t truly know if a keys rig myth is
points of failure with a MIDI and software-based
busted until you find out for yourself.
system. I just disagree with the assertion that On the flip side, the idea that using software
this approach - when done well - isn’t reliable means you’ll never know where anything
enough for the stage. is, get lost in plugins never to be found, and
never achieve a cohesive live sound isn’t true
This segues nicely into our final myth.
either. Software offers tangible benefits like
May 2019
David Pfaltzgraff
at, a site that resources worship
keys players and guitarists around the world.
David currently resides in Des Moines, IA with his
wife and two boys. He enjoys volunteering in his
church’s worship ministry, old synthesizers, and a
good super-hero movie.
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