It’s one thing to know how to create a rock- control over each individual track. When using them out their own separate output. This will
solid Ableton Session, but when it comes time the headphone jack, you’re sending all of your be important for your sound team so they can
to move from your church office to the stage, tracks out a single, mono output. This means EQ and mix the tracks properly. A recently
connecting your computer to the sound system that if your sound team wants to turn down the released audio interface that I helped design is
is a vital step. As with many other things in tambourine track, you would need to adjust it called Track Rig. It’s an 8-channel audio output
Ableton Live, there are multiple ways of doing for them on the Ableton Live computer ahead interface that gives you everything you need to
the same thing. It all depends on your setup, of time. To solve this issue, another way to run tracks, including a 4-port USB hub for MIDI
workflow and personal preference. There are send audio to the sound system is by using an controllers and hard-drives. It has 8 XLR jacks,
three ways that I’d recommend looking at when audio interface. There are a lot of great options which eliminates the need for direct boxes. It’s
deciding how to get your tracks heard through out there that will get the job done. I would really easy to set up because there aren’t audio
the sound system and the click to your band.
drivers and configuration software to install. Be
sure to check it out at TrackRig.com
Sometimes simple is best. This is honestly
the easiest and most affordable way to send
tracks to your sound system. It’s also perfect
for beginners or worship leaders who want a
really fast setup. Many people who first start
using tracks are confused by the headphone
jack. They think that because it’s a single jack it
only has one output. However, your headphone
jack is a stereo output. This means you can use
the left side of the headphone jack to send your
click and the right side to send your tracks.
In Ableton Live, all you need to do is choose
“Built-in Output” as your audio output device
I’ve never needed
to use more than 8 I’m beginning to see more and more larger,
outputs, because audio from Ableton Live to the sound system.
otherwise it may you can use Dante Virtual Soundcard to send
feel like you’re
tech-driven churches use Dante to send
If your soundboard is compatible with Dante,
up to 64 channels from Ableton Live to your
sound system. What’s awesome is that it uses
the ethernet port on your computer, which
eliminates the need for a snake, direct boxes,
playing to a
and other cables / adapters. When you plug in
the ethernet cable, you’ll be able to route your
karaoke track.
tracks to up to 64 different channels - which is
from the audio settings tab in preferences. by far the largest number of channels you can
Then on each track, choose “Ext. Out” in the get. No USB audio interface will give you that
dropdown called “Audio To”. You’ll be given recommend looking at anything by PreSonus many. If you’re able to go the Dante route, it’s
another dropdown where you can choose or MOTU. Don’t bother with an interface that a great option. It’s very stable and the audio
which side of your headphone jack to send doesn’t have at least 4 outputs. You need at quality is excellent. To learn more about Dante
the audio. Selecting ‘1’ will send the audio to least 4 outputs to make this option worth it. systems, visit audinate.com
the left side of your headphone jack and ‘2’ When using an audio interface, Ableton Live will send the audio to the right side. You’ll need will let you choose which output each of your These are all excellent ways to get your track
to buy a cable called “Hosa CMP-153 Stereo tracks goes out of. You can connect these audio from Ableton Live to your sound system.
Breakout” for about $6.00. You’ll then be able interfaces directly to the sound system, or If you’re just getting started with tracks, I would
to plug each 1/4” jack into Direct Boxes for your through direct boxes. I’ve never needed to use recommend the headphone jack. If you’re
Click and Tracks. This is the setup I use about more than 8 outputs, because otherwise it may really comfortable with Ableton Live, try using
75% of the time when I lead worship because feel like you’re playing to a karaoke track. My an audio interface like Track Rig or Dante.
I travel a lot to different churches and need an best-practice tip is to group tracks together If you’re interested in learning more about
easy, quick and uncomplicated setup. that have similar sounds. For example, I group running tracks in worship, take my free course
and send all of my key tracks together out at tracksinworship.com
2. AUDIO INTERFACE their own output. I do the same for percussion
The downside of using the headphone jack is tracks, like shaker and tambourine. I also group
that it doesn’t give your sound team full mix and send all synth lead lines together and send
May 2019
Matt McCoy
Matt is a worship leader and songwriter from
Chicago. He is the founder of LoopCommunity.com
and an Ableton Certified Trainer.
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