COMBINATION STICKS BARRED PERCUSSION If a percussion instrument needs to be struck
How are you going to switch from a delicate Your primary glockenspiel mallets should have to produce sound, the implement is crucial to
suspended cymbal roll with soft mallets to hard synthetic heads that will produce the obtaining the proper tone. Make sure you have
playing an intricate snare drum rhythm with instrument’s characteristic tone (Mallet Tech the right one at the ready.
sticks when there’s only two beats of rest to OR45B). A medium hardness mallet such as make the change? You can grow an extra arm Mallet Tech BB 34 will get you through a lot or simply use combination sticks. Equipped of xylophone repertoire while also serving as a with a drum stick bead on one end and a felt darker tone option for glockenspiel.
mallet head on the other, combination sticks
can come to the rescue in a tight logistical
Vic Firth SD12 Swizzle G Sticks
May 2019
Mark Shelton
Mark is a freelance musician and educational
consultant based in Dallas/Fort Worth. Performance
credits include North Carolina Symphony, Tin Roof
Tango, Daystar Singers & Band, Gateway Worship,
Dallas Wind Symphony, TALEA, and Strata Big
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