The importance of dynamics, coloring, and
matured. But I’m still learning.
This is also an invaluable skill. Your playing
leaving space in music cannot be overstated.
So many times I hear drummers and other So, how do we learn to create the right volume will definitely affect the energy of the
musicians trying to play everything they know musical space? music. I’ve heard artist and listeners say that
when the music is always at one level (“a wall of
in one song. They are so absorbed in their
own thing that they forget to hear the music in 1.RECORDING YOURSELF sound”) that they can’t relax or breathe. If you
context. And it’s not just a problem for young This is still the best way to get an objective view allow the music to ebb and flow according to
musicians. I’ve heard players who have years of your playing. At every event you play ask the the meaning and spirit of each song, everyone
of experience over do it. engineer to record it. Then you can go back will enjoy the experience much better.
and really hear what happened. If they can’t do
We have all been guilty of this at one time it, use your phone or any digital device to record 5. PLAY WITH SOUL!
or another. I still catch myself getting overly right on the stage. Be sure to hide it somewhere As a musician, I’m always trying to express
excited playing a song. I’ll go back and listen so it is not distracting. But nowadays probably what’s in my heart. I always tell my students
to recordings of live events or even studio no one cares because there are cameras that people hear your spirit; they don’t really
sessions that I’ve been on and wonder why I everywhere. It’s a great training tool. Of course, hear your instrument. I know that sounds pretty
played so much. Fortunately, I have had a lot a recording from the “line out” of a soundboard “artsy”, but I believe it’s true. Sure, there is the
of talented musical friends help me hear music is best, but do what you can. physical sound of music, but what is happening
in your spirit is what affects the atmosphere.
as a collective experience. And with their help
and years of experience I think my playing has
Sometimes you don’t know what the artist or Remember the story of David playing for Saul
worship leader wants you to play. You are there when he was tormented by demons. David was
to serve their vision. So communication is a talented, but he also had a heart after God. (I
must. Every singer and musician has a different Samuel 16:14-23) I love the fact that the story
opinion about what works best in a song. Some reveals two things. One, Saul would feel better
people ask me to play very sparsely. Even telling when David played. Two, the evil spirits would
me exact groove and fill ideas. Then there are leave. Notice both results: a physical and a
those who just ask me to play whatever I feel spiritual impact. All the more reason for us to
fits the music. I’m happy to work either way. If be sensitive when we play.
they’re happy, I’m happy!
So choose your notes carefully! You don’t have
3. PLAY MUSIC, NOT JUST DRUMS to play a lot of them to make a statement.
This concept applies to everyone. If you are Space is a beautiful thing.
aware of the “group sound” of a song you will
play it correctly. You should play your part while
being aware of all the other elements of the
tune. What is the melody doing rhythmically?
What are the lyrics saying? What are the other
instruments doing? You have to listen carefully.
If you are only thinking of your instrument
you are not honoring the song. Remember,
“The best musicians are those with big ears.”
Carl Albrecht
Professional drummer for 30+ years, playing with
Paul Baloche, Don Moen, Ron Kenoly, Abe Laboriel,
LeAnn Rimes and others. He’s also a clinician,
author & pastor.
Contact Carl for coaching, online lessons, producing,
or sessions. I’m still growing too..
Always listen to everyone! And listen to a lot of
great music.
May 2019
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