[WM] Wow! Thanks for all of this very detailed And if you did the espresso, it would absolutely info. Finally, if you owned a food truck, what have to be Italian coffee only. Like the coffee in would you serve and where would you park it? the south of Italy, the kind that they have from [WM] John, it has been so wonderful to
Rome and down, my favorites being Naples, reconnect with you, listen to some wonderful
[John] That one is hard…it’s a tie between an Calabria and Sicily. I like Miscela d’Oro from stories and hear your valued perspective from
Italian food and espresso truck, which might be Sicily a lot! You would also need a great Italian what God has done in your life. Thank you!
hard to do. But if you kept it limited to sausage machine (initial cost for start- up would be hard and peppers, eggplant parmigiana wedges, because those machines run $15-$20k), and a chicken parmigiana wedges, Caprese salads, great barista!
Purchase John’s Soul of the Bass.
Visit John at www.johnpatitucci.com or
bruschetta, grilled antipasti with vegetables like
eggplant and red peppers, etc.
wherever they don’t have this kind of food!
As far as where to park this food truck or trucks:
Yamaha TRBJP2 John Patitucci Signature Bass
Grace Design “Felix”
Aguilar DB 751
Aguilar Tone Hammer 500
David Gage Realist “LifeLine”
Aguilar SL 410x
Aguilar SL 112
DPA d:vote Clip On Mic
Strymon BlueSky
TC Electronic Flashback
May 2019
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