• Studio-grade VCA
• Bloom Feature
• Soft/Hard FET Limiting
• Wet/Dry Blend
• Boost Feature
• True Bypass
PressuRizer is a multi-function compressor
pedal designed by James Brown. He’s a
respected Amplifier Guru, designing amps like
the Peavey 5150 for Eddie Van Halen, the JSX
Joe Satriani signature amp, Peavey Classic
series, Kustom amps and more. Amptweaker
is James’ company, specializing in custom
pedals and amps. The PressuRizer has been
out for a little while, so when I ran into James
at his winter NAMM booth, he showed it to me,
and I fell in love with the pedal.
PressuRizer is packed with features you side are ¼ inch Input, BOSS style 9-18VDC is the Bloom feature. This feature is perfect for
wouldn’t expect in such a small unit. It’s vintage and Boost Volume knob. On the left side is guys that like the idea of compression but don’t
gold with brown lettering and is very light at just the ¼ inch Output. A thumbscrew accesses like how it feels when it grabs your attack. The
10 ounces. On top are four knobs, two sliding the bottom plate on the top-side. It opens on Bloom switch delays the compression, so you
switches, LED indicator, and a sturdy True a hinge and has screw holes throughout, and preserve the initial attack of the note along with
Bypass foot switch. A cool roll cage bar protects tie-wrap holes on the sides for mounting. It’s the blended-in dry signal. The compressor then
the knobs. The Master Volume knob controls one of the coolest things I’ve seen on a pedal. kicks in on one of two settings, slow or fast.
With Bloom, it’s like there is no compression,
the main output level to match your bypass
IN USE: but your guitar still sustains after the attack.
cutting mids and turning clockwise bumps up My first step was to look over the manual and Additionally, the Blend knob adjusts the Dry/
the hi-end of the compressed signal. Sustain watch the video on the website to get some Compression mix. You can get transparent and
adjusts the amount of sustain. Blend mixes insights before plugging in the PressuRizer. A real compression. It’s great if you are a dynamic
the Compressed signal with the Dry putting lot is going on with this compressor. With a player. The FET Limit function has two modes
the effect in parallel. The Limit switch adds a Strat into the PressuRizer and straight into a Soft and Hard, located at the output after the
FET limiter in Hard or Soft mode at the output Wampler Bravado Amp, I was able to get a feel Mix circuit. I recommend trying some different
section. Bloom delays the compression effect for the versatility of the unit. It’s a fun pedal even settings with it on, and then adjust the mix and
and can be set to off, fast or slow. On the right at extreme settings. One of the selling points sustain knobs to taste. It’s fantastic on bass.
level. Tone adjusts the EQ curve to either make
the compression itself more transparent by
May 2019
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