bulb and a photocell wrapped in shrink-wrap, [WM] Historically speaking, many but not using it as just a practice amp or studio amp,
and that is the thing that’s flashing on and off to all of the classic Fender combos feature 12” he’s taking it on stage so he’s got a drummer,
modulate the pre-amp. The difference in sound speakers, the Super Reverb (4x10) and Vibrolux a bass player, a steel player, and a harp player.
between the two is that the output tube version Reverb (2x10) being the obvious exceptions. There’s a lot going on, so you would want the
is more thumping, thick and rich, the photocell The Super Reverb is certainly not lacking in amp to have a little more gusto to it.
one is more chattery. bottom end, so I’d love to get your take on
So, if you’re playing something, a good
the biggest differences between 10” and 12” [WM] This amp and the Duff McKagan bass
speakers. were the only signature pieces released at
example is “Riders on the Storm” by The Doors,
Winter NAMM, which hints that this was a
that sounds to me like the twin reverb type of [Shane] As far as a 10” speaker goes we still pretty important release for you and your team.
tremolo, almost like a telegraph key sound. The sell lots of Princeton’s, we have a ’65 and a ’68 Why so?
real loosey-goosey thumping one is the output Princeton in our line and they both do very well. tube bias tremolo. The thing about 10’s is they sound fantastic [Shane] I think at the heart of it, it’s the
for anything you want to do, but they probably simplicity. Most people who achieve a level
There’s a third type that’s called harmonic give up the ghost a little quicker. In the 60’s of craft where they can get beyond just the
vibrato, which is almost like a phaser, and it most people didn’t run an amplifier above half, gear and focus on playing music, a lot of
does a swishy thing. So, a harmonic vibrato they wanted to be as clean as possible. If you those players love a simple amp. If you think
does almost what a phaser does where it’s think about what was going on, whether it was about the great amps that people play across
swishy. People really love that too, that was country or The Beach Boys, or whatever, people all genres of music, whether it’s a Fender or
only in a couple of amplifiers in the early sixties, were looking for a clean guitar tone. Those of another brand, those tend to be real simple.
and I believe that Leo probably abandoned it us who want to crank up the amp a little more You’ll see a lot more Deluxe Reverbs than you
because it takes more tubes and more circuitry will find that the 12” will hold its tone a little will amps with graphic EQs and push pull pots
to make it work. There are certain amps like the better. I think when people say that 10’s get a and all of that kind of stuff.
Vibrasonic and the brown Super that had that bad rap that’s really what they’re talking about. circuit in them. But you can get close with a If you set a Princeton on four, that 10” speaker So, this in another one of those, it’s got a
Univibe or a phaser, it’s in that neighborhood. is magical. Chris Stapleton sets his amp a little unique voice, I think the combination of that
higher, and you also have to remember he’s not slightly dirty and rich circuit that the amp has,
May 2019
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