figure he started the company in the late forties to have more clarity, more power, and more and what kinds of speakers and components brightness. So, the Brown amps were a step were available at the time, there wasn’t much. up in that regard. The era we’re talking about, [WM] For people who aren’t totally immersed
It was partially scientific and partially just the in the sixties, the smaller amps were brown and in the various Fender amps, what are some the
dumb luck of picking up pieces that were the larger amps were blonde. In that era, they other amps in the line, past or present that this
available. When you go from the Tweed era were a little bit cleaner and a little bit brighter. amp is similar to?
where most of the amps, something like a Then in the Blackface era you take another leap Tweed Deluxe, or a Tweed Princeton, you turn in clarity and brightness.
unlike what came before or after.
[Shane] That’s a hard one, they all have their
it up past three or four and it’s really dirty and
voices. It’s like, I’ve had arguments with people
really compressed. If you’re Neil Young you love So the Brown amp era is of interest to a lot of over pizza, you get the Chicago versus New
that, but if you’re a Western Swing guy you guitar players, because it’s kind of a halfway York thing out of the way. I’m an east coast
probably don’t because you need more clarity house between the Tweed and the Blackface guy, I’ve been in Arizona a long time, but you’re
and more power. Leo was constantly trying era. There’s a unique soul to those amps that’s not going to convert me to deep dish, I’m a
New York pizza guy. So it’s like, okay, this half
May 2019
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