creative people that challenge you and push on this progression, or this lyric, and we just myself with people who also know that world
you, and who love Jesus as well. Probably the spend time worshiping and pushing into that. and that I trust and who are protective of me.
most basic thing is just to do it. Songwriting is Obviously, the agenda is that we want to have like a muscle and you have to just write and a song, that’s the goal, but it’s secondary to [WM] As a participant in the curation of worship
write. There’s no shortcut to skip ahead and wanting to experience Jesus, and secondary music for over 30 years, I’ve been concerned
write a good song, you just have to write a lot to us personally wanting to encounter Jesus, that worship music may not always be created
of songs to get to a good song. So just doing it because it’s through that… that we will have with the intent that it might have been during
is a basic key, but it’s so easy to overlook. something to offer the rest of the world. the original “British Worship Invasion” some
20+ years ago. Slight-of-hand magicians refer
[WM] How can “real worship” lyrically, [WM] What advice do you have for songwriters to their coin trick as a “French Drop”. Has a
musically, in managing a sound business acumen for the distraction like this possibly occurred within the
songs that they write? church? How are you purposing to bring and
other songwriting attempts aimed at the
same listener?
keep “the heart of worship” in your songwriting?
[Mack] I think the best thing is again to
[Mack] When I’m in the writing room it’s very surround yourself with people who know [Mack] I don’t necessarily have the answer
clear if I’m writing in order to finish a song, more than you. Like with songwriting, I want to how you combat that. I know that for me
or if I’m writing because I want to experience to surround myself with better songwriters it’s something that I think about often, and I go
Jesus. We just have to kind of constantly be than I am. When I’m playing music, I want to back to my motives and my intentions because
checking that, whether it’s through prayer surround myself with better musicians than I I want to make sure that at the end of the day
during your writing sessions, or just through am. And I think when it comes to the business what the Lord has called me to do is being
being vulnerable and opening yourself up to the aspect, I want to find people in my life who done.
Holy Spirit and letting Him fill that room. There know the business of music better than me. I have been so many songs I have written that know a lot and I’ve learned a lot, but I am not an I mean obviously, He’s called me to love my
have come out of a place where we just live accountant, I’m not a lawyer, so I’ve surrounded family, to love others, to love Him, but I think the
May 2019
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