Worship Musician May 2018 | Page 11
In each issue of [WM] we strive to train
where he is on staff.
worship and tech teams on how to get “better
by Sunday”. Our calling is to help prepare you We love to talk with Linc about his guitars, tone,
for the platform, so you and your team can take and gear as we are admittedly a bit guitar crazy
the stage in confidence as you pursue your around here. But more impressive than Linc’s
calling to lead God’s people in worship of He skill and success is his heart to always point
who is most worthy. people back to Jesus. I have also personally
watched Linc’s gift of evangelism in action at
Each month we get to profile worship leaders several of the events I have produced (to God’s
and musicians who have a heart for ministry glory).
and have meticulously developed their skill as
musicians. Such is the case with this issue’s Even if you don’t play guitar, do read his
cover story on Lincoln Brewster. I have known interview… it is rich in content, so don’t miss
Linc since the release of his first Christian record the Linc!
many years ago. We have also done several of
our Christian Musician Summit conferences at
Bruce & Judy
Bayside Church in the Sacramento, CA area
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The Cast
Publisher + Editor: Bruce Adolph
Vice President: Judy Adolph
Editorial + Ad Director: Doug Doppler
Associate Editor: Michael Hodge
Ad Sales Manager: Drew Adolph
Production Manager: Mike Adolph
Layout + Design: Matt Kees
Customer Experience: Brian Felix
The Details
©2018 Worship Musician published by Adolph Agency, Inc.
May 2018
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AAI Office: 253-445-1973