Worship Musician March 2020 | Page 22

play bebop in a practice room. So, it became I still try and go to every summer, a woman introduced the “Folk Mass’ to liturgy during this thing where I felt the call of God on my came up to me and said, “God wants to give the mid-60’s, which brought not only acoustic life to try and be a better listener, and a better you the gift of spontaneous song.” I said, guitars and even bongos into the church, but a friend. It got to a point where I had to choose “What’s that?” I didn’t have a language for it Charismatic Renewal alongside it. The addition one thing or another, and ultimately, I still am yet but because of studying jazz, I gravitated of guitars in church also more accurately very glad I made the choice. I don’t think it’s towards it. And that’s essentially what a lot of reflected what was happening culturally. The an either/or choice for everyone. Paul talks worship songwriting is. You learn how to sing American Folk Music Revival was extremely about “working out your salvation with fear of the scriptures. You go back and refine a giant popular on U.S. college campuses during trembling”. Some people have a calling to work piece of granite that fell from the sky, in the form that time. This innovation also invaded the that out themselves or with a smaller group of of a lyric idea or a melody. In some ways, that’s Protestant Church during the late 60’s and early people, and some people have a calling to do what songwriting is. You’re waiting for lightning 70’s during the Jesus Movement, I think partly it playing music to a twelve-thousand-member to strike and capture it and refine it. I wonder because of the Folk Mass, and partly because community. sometimes, now in modern worship, everything of the influence of the Singer/Songwriter is so scripted. The song path is determined. I mainstream artists. [WM] It’s interesting to me because I don’t find that interesting because as someone usually get to discuss jazz with worship who has studied jazz, I’ve witnessed and You were raised Catholic. As a music business musicians and songwriters. experienced how the Spirit of God moves in the professional for almost 40 years, I can tell moment and in creativity. You kind of become you that I have been involved in countless [Matt] Yeah. It’s interesting because there’s a “junkie” (laughs) for that when you are playing conversations discussing which evangelical this side of worship music that I was drawn with musicians who are adept at playing. What Protestant CCM artist might cross over into to that was more the spontaneous side of it, inspired me was the live Delirious album. There the “Catholic” market. Ironically, I think that it which you typically see in charismatic elements. was an improvisatory nature to it. is the other way around. A charismatic Catholic musician and songwriter has, in fact, crossed In 2002 at this festival called SoulFest, which [WM] Following Vatican II, the Catholic Church 22 March 2020 over into the evangelical CCM market and is Subscribe for Free...