Worship Musician March 2020 | Page 10

songs, which was really awesome. feeling of anticipation that Katie is talking about. because it reminds us and reminds our spirits, to pray and declare those words. “Freedom is Coming” I think was the very first “Your Will Your Way” was written with Hank and song that we wrote for the Anticipation project, then with Phil Wickham, who is a good friend [WM] I love the song, “Remember”. What a and that began that process of the feeling of and such an incredible songwriter. And that magnificent reminder of our own human frailty anticipation. As we were writing it in Hank’s song really is a prayer, it’s something that we juxtaposed against the sovereignty of God and studio, I remember that melody that came out prayed for our whole ten years of being married. His faithfulness. Please tell us about these lyrics in the chorus. We had been working on the “Okay God, we want to do what you’re doing, and how they came about. verses and some of the lyrics and I remember we want to sing what you want to be singing, all of a sudden that chorus melody came out, we want to speak what you’re speaking”, and “How quickly we forget the God specifically, “I can feel it in the air…” I remember that is kind of the language we were trying to Who lives in everyday my emotion and my feeling of that. Even just use as we were writing that out. How easy to lose sight that You thinking about the Israelites coming out of Reside in the mundane Egypt, that feeling and that emotion they must [Katie] It’s such a simple song, but I think How quickly we forget the power have felt. Where the church is right now and sometimes we have to hear ourselves say That's running through our veins what we’ve experienced over the last few years those words again to remind ourselves of why The kind of power that empties graves is having people going through some difficult we do this and what we’re really asking for, and seasons. We were like, “Okay, we’re going to it’s the heart of God and the will of God. It’s how And oh my soul prophesy and were going to speak what we He told us to pray. We love leading that song Remember who you're talking to hear God saying”, and there is freedom in that. The only One who death bows to It’s coming. I can feel it in the air. It might feel That's the God who walks with you like that small cloud Elijah song on the outside, but it’s like once you begin to feel it and see it And oh my soul you get ready to start going because you know You know that if He did it then that God is about to move. He can do it all again His power can still raise the dead I think that song was the beginning of writing and the beginning of us putting to words that 10 Don't tell me that He's finished yet” Remember March 2020 Subscribe for Free...