don’t necessarily look a certain way, but what hope again in other people. I remember early on I feel like what God is doing in the church right
does the scripture say, what are we choosing in my walk with the Lord, just going to be with a now is that He is bringing that back. I think
to declare, what are we choosing to say out group of believers on a Sunday or in a weekday there truly is this hope and this holiness that
of our mouth? So, we kind of processed service, truly brought so much anticipation and He is releasing in the body of Christ right now
that season of life into the recording. Funnily expectation for what I was going to experience, that is something like we’ve never seen before,
enough, we were actually writing for a different for what was possible, and for what we were heard before, or experienced before. A part of
project, and had already written a few songs. going to see and what we were going to step Him that we don’t know about yet, that He is
But we realized after talking to some people into together in a group setting. I think we ready to reveal to us as the corporate church.
on our team that we were sort of writing the realized along the way, both Bryan and I, that We wanted to write songs in our way, in our
next part of that same story. Just seeing how we both had started to lose that a little bit and language, that would start to tell that story and
God brought us out of that season of difficulty had started to go through the motions. kind of prophesy those things.
and then to actually use it in something actually
started to feel so much more effortless. We [WM] Let’s talk about some of the other songs
started to realize we were expecting a fresh on the project. What can you tell our readers
breakthrough, expecting God to move in a about the song, “Freedom is Coming”? The
fresh way, expecting lives to be changed, and chorus is much like an old spiritual. And tell us
expecting our own lives to line up with the about, “Your Will, Your Way”. It’s a wonderful
word of God with very little effort. I truly believe,
and I’ve talked about it before, how God took
and prayerful cry of surrender.
Freedom is Coming
the load of fishes in the New Testament and [Bryan] The last few years we’ve had the
multiplied it. We had to bring our own load of privilege of starting to co-write with some other
fishes, which is a small sacrifice, but what God people. On our first couple of projects just the
did with it was way beyond what we could do two of us wrote. Part of that was we just really
naturally. And that’s sort of how we felt with our didn’t have access to a lot of people who were
faith, like God really multiplied that little mustard writing, but in the last few years we’ve been
seed and grew that supernaturally. writing with other people. A good friend of
So, we wanted to write songs that sparked that Your Will, Your Way
8 March 2020
ours who lives in Nashville, Hank Bentley, was
actually one of the writers on both of those
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