I once took the time to look up the definition of learned the hard way that an all-black outfit Church is fifty-two weeks a year so it’s easy to
the word leader in the dictionary. I’m even pretty in front of a black curtain just makes you look slip into autopilot. Come up with four different
sure I took the time to grab my old paper one like a dancing bobble head. Yes, there is video service orders and rotate them around each
I’ve had since third grade. It was one of those proof of this somewhere. You may love all black month to keep the week to week fresh. Your
moments in life where you think to yourself I and that’s ok. I do plenty of days. Wear it on kids probably won’t figure out your formula but
wish I could get that time back. Webster told me another day but on the days you’re leading it won’t feel like the exact same service every
that a leader is “a person or thing that leads.” kids wear bright colors. It naturally makes you time they show up if they can’t guess what
Yep, a little obvious and simply stated don’t you look and seem happier. The same applies to you’re doing next. This is especially important
think? But, as worship leaders that means we bold patterns. A tiny pinstripe or check pattern the older your group gets. Instead of always
are people that lead worship. If you are looking looks like a solid from across the room. Find ending with a slow song occasionally transition
at your audience and they aren’t engaging in bold patterns that will pop when on stage and from your slower song to an upbeat one and
what you are doing then it’s likely you’re singing can be seen in a group setting vs. a one on one encourage a celebration of all God has done.
worship more than your leading worship. I don’t conversation. These things will make you look (Go from a low to a high on the rollercoaster.
take this job lightly. I believe the most natural even more fun than you possibly are in real life. Alternately with younger kids I have found going
thing any of us could ever do is bring praise to Or maybe it will just give you some street cred from a high energy song where they are actually
the Creator. I believe it is our foremost purpose your personality has deserved for a long time. tired, maybe even dizzy or out of breath to a
of existing. May all that we do and say bring
honor, praise and glory to Him forever.
slow song works well. Maybe you even let them
2. VOCABULARY IS IMPORTANT sit down to sing it. Because they are going from
For the songs you sing and the words you such an engagement high it helps me focus
On this journey I’ve had of leading worship for share from your heart make sure they are the them on the moment of singing ‘God is so
all ages I’ve realized: At its core, the role of a right size words for your audience. Do the good’ and ultimately get more participation
worship leader is the same regardless of what kids you’re leading know those words? Can then if I had tried to have them focus when they
age you are leading in worship. The mechanics they understand you? Can they understand had a lot of pinned up energy to get out. I even
of being a worship leader are the same. What what you’re singing about? Maybe this means like to change up how many songs I do and
preparation may look like and how to craft a you have to unpack and teach them about what the balance of up-tempo and slow songs
great worship set are the same. Engaging a something in a new song you’re introducing. is. I don’t want to become predictable.
crowd looks pretty similar regardless of if it’s Often times it’s a factor to consider when kids, students or adults in the seats. The type choosing songs and thinking through how of song you lead may look or even sound a little you can teach them about worship. Just like a different but leading worship is pretty universal. parent cuts up the food on their children’s plate
based on their age, make sure your songs are
Thinking about leading kids in worship I wanted
the right bite sized piece for your group.
to share a few tips I’ve discovered and tested
over the years:
As you are prepping ask yourself: How can we
1. WEAR BRIGHT COLORS make today special and mix things up? Maybe
Yes, Johnny Cash wore all black and is famous you use some props or choose helpers for a
for it. I know that black is slimming. I’ve also specific song.
66 March 2020
Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids
that travels the globe doing family concerts and
training worship leaders. Every week her songs
are used in thousands of churches around the
world. Yancy has a passion to serve the Church
which is why she created “Heartbeat”, a five lesson
curriculum series to teach kids the heart of worship.
This year she is releasing lots of new music in her
“Little Praise Party” series for young kids. She lives
with her husband and sons in Nashville, TN.
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