to say in the culture of the people. So it makes musicians, and they were right there listening to to Jesus now in their own language all over the
sense that liturgy, which is a Greek word that Dylan, and listening to folk music, so they were world, and that didn’t happen a hundred years
means ‘the work of the people’, that the word naturally just writing folk songs in the context of ago. People in Russia can listen to Christian
of Christ in the divine liturgy would be in the the Christian faith, and that sort of became the music on Spotify, that didn’t happen in the
language of the people, because that’s where birth of the folk mass. Glory and Praise, which fifties.
He’s doing the work. Jesus didn’t die in heaven, is probably the biggest selling Catholic hymnal so His work didn’t happen in heaven, His work of all time, was a collection of songs written So, to answer your question, I would say that
happened on the earth. So the work of the by six Jesuit priests in Saint Louis, who were I am part of a long laborious work that God
people becomes the work of Christ. So with literally just getting together to write songs, and is currently doing. I think it ultimately is about
that naturally we came to the idea of expressing they put it together in a bundle. That was in the reconciliation. The reality is there are a lot of
in our culture and our language what God has late seventies. And you’re right in the sense that people who grew up Catholic and stopped
done in His work, and what He is continuing to the church really was an innovator that inspired going to Catholic Church, usually because of
do. All of a sudden came the idea that people so much, but so much of it was literally just some kind of painful memory. Either they had
should be able to celebrate the liturgy in their happening all at once. a toxic interaction with a priest or a nun as a
own native language, and then that we should
child, or they had a parent who struggled with
be able to use the music and the customs of There was all of this talk about people wanting mental health issues or substance abuse,
the culture. another awakening to happen, and I guess my so their faith has been sort of tangled into
question is, “At what point are we going to look this mess. Or they grew up in a place where
I think it just so happened that at the same time back on the sixties and say that an awakening everything was sort of all tradition and there
God was inspiring the framers at the second already happened”? Who gets to say? How was no context or explanation of “why do we
Vatican counsel, He was also doing this work do you answer the fact that in the past thirty believe what we believe?” There is no sense of
called the ‘charismatic renewal’. Then with it years worship music has literally spread around deeper beauty or mystery. You learned all about
came the notion of young people who started the world? At what point do we say that is an a religious system, but you didn’t really learn
getting baptized in the spirit who were also awakening? People are singing worship songs about Jesus Christ.
24 March 2020
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