There are defining moments in every church being on a console for some time, the service. A spark of energy or a sweetly quiet usual mutes, snapshots and movements times. Make it regular practice to mute all
moment may turn the direction toward rejoicing become second nature. And this can be unused mics during prayer or reflection.
or reflection and create a beautiful experience a good thing, as flow is never interrupted. Bring the choir mics down, gate the
for those attending. These key elements are However, the challenge arises when a drums and even turn down the wedges
essential to authentic worship. However, by new audio, lighting or video console is if handhelds are present on-stage since
their nature, they cannot be programmed nor introduced into the equation. In an instant, vocalists often drop them or point them
planned. For techs, the difficulty is staying alert everything changes and nothing is where at the floor during these times. Of course,
and on top of each moment in case it’s the one it should be. At First Baptist Atlanta, we the trick is to stay alert enough to turn
minute in an hours long stint at the console. just moved from the old, reliable Yamaha everything back on when appropriate.
How can you, then, as the tech be ready when PM1D to the wonderfully new Yamaha that special moment comes? How do you Rivage PM7. The sound quality and feature prepare for the unpreparable? set are decades ahead in execution, but
Media Techs (CSMT) group member on
Facebook related how the pastor handled
surface within easy reach. Mike Bell, the
a guitar coming off the player’s strap and
audio director and I are getting used to the
Since the moment can arrive at any point, Rivage, but we have to check ourselves at
assume it will happen now. Naturally, each move so we are actually doing what
now we think we are doing.
target, making the process always-on.
To counteract what could be a taxing
marathon, find ways to stay in the moment.
For some, this means taking notes at the
second sermon in order to stay focused
since you’ve already heard the sermon.
For others, it is abstaining from coffee
in the first service and partaking in the
second so the caffeine arrives at the right
Use muscle memory, but verify. After
Coach the team on how to handle
disruptions. Recently a Church Sound
the old mixer sure had a lot of control
Here are some thoughts:
Most special moments occur in quiet
hitting the floor with a loud bang during
prayer. The pastor simply added this to his
prayer: “Lord, please provide the funds for
Jimmy’s new guitar since we all just heard
his old one break.”
No one is perfect. As much as we want
to perform each segment flawlessly, we
cannot because we are human. As such,
Allow God to be God. In the end, it’s not
up to us to make anything happen in
when we do inevitably make a mistake,
a worship service. So, do all you can to
sing a Disney song and “let it go.” If you
prepare, stay alert and have a contingency
dwell on the error for even a moment, you
plan, but realize it is all in God’s hands.
will lose your edge and make a second
mistake, then a third. Train yourself to
compartmentalize the error and bury it for
recollection later. Don’t become a victim
by beating yourself up.
March 2020
Kent Morris
Kent is a 40-year veteran of the AVL arena driven by
passion for excellence tempered by the knowledge
digital is a temporary state.
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