4. GO TOPSY-TURVEY. people are steadying equipment on it. It may the opening of a recording of Saturday’s
One of my favorite pieces of gear when I think sound a bit hokey, but I’d rather hear that than, evening sermon (which we use as a
about setup and strike is our EZ-Tilt Rolling “Someone call 911!” backup in case the live feed fails), and then
Audio Console Stand. It holds our audio mixer.
skip ahead to the final sermon point (when
Go ahead and smile; it’s just a stand. But it 8. GIVE YOURSELF TIME (so everything can be our keyboardist underscores the message
enables me to set up a heavy, large, expensive tested prior to use, and then you can breathe and response prayer). The emcee makes
audio console all by myself without risk. The and focus on connecting relationally or take concluding remarks, any calls-to-action,
case literally rolls from a vertical position on its opportunity for spiritual growth). Last week and dismissal. (45 minutes)
wheels into a horizontal table position. No lifting we caught ourselves rushing just to see how 8:45 We break to address details, grab a
required. Some engineer was really thinking! quickly we could get things done, and we bagel, and connect until the service starts
actually lost time because we had to reopen at 9:15.
5. A PROCEDURE FOR BAD GEAR. cases to put away items we had missed. When Everyone should know what to do with bad people are rushed, tempers can get edgy. 10. FRIENDS BECOME FAMILY.
gear including where it should go, how it should Failing to address frustrations can produce Don’t go it alone. If possible create a setup and
be labeled, where to find a replacement, and real problems. Instead, use such situations teardown team that can blow it out and go grab
whom to communicate with about it. as opportunities to refocus on your underlying a meal together. Encourage all your volunteers
values and priorities, and create a workable using a plethora of ways to say thanks. Model a
solution for next time. get-‘er-done attitude, celebrate successes, pray
We mark everything, especially cables. We even
together, and take advantage of opportunities
use gaffer’s tape to create our own mini-snakes, 9. DO A FULL-SERVICE REHEARSAL. to learn. Taking time to train your volunteers lets
and then use colored tape to indicate where Yep. The whole enchilada. We even include a them know that their success matters to you.
that snake will connect. (Green is the sound pause for some worship time and a discussion Supplying bottles of water or breakfast muffins
board, red is the snake box, yellow is the video of the day’s rundown. This gives us opportunity says that you care about your people, not just
rack, and blue is the lighting console.) Every to find and address any trouble areas or tech about the job they can do for you. Ensuring that
individual cable is color coded and marked as surprises. Everyone who is on the platform volunteers regularly take a week off tells them
to where it goes, as are all the jacks on every or serving participates. Here’s our standard that you care about their life beyond the walls of
console. We mark our travel cases (for packing morning schedule following setup (which the venue. Take them out individually for coffee
and identifying), and each shelf and case has occurs either Friday night or Sunday morning, or a quick meal and just listen to how life is
a packing diagram or photo inside or on the depending upon our venue’s availability) and going. Talk about things other than ministry and
lid so we know what goes where. If you have sound check. tech. Consider connecting occasionally outside
to replace the facility’s tables, chairs, and other
items after you strike, consider marking where
they go with painters tape before removing
of serving roles. Continually ensure that your
7:30 Tech director talks through the order of
service, highlighting transitions.
team knows the fruit God creates through the
sacrifice of serving that they make every week.
them during setup. Our children’s director 7:40 We celebrate wins from the past week actually checks each room with a photo from and then the worship pastor offers Ephesians 4:11-16 seems to say that the job
that week to ensure nothing was misplaced. encouragement and sets the focus. of church leadership is to equip people to
7:50 The staff/volunteers spend 5 minutes in serve, and in doing so they grow and become
7. CONSIDER SAFETY. worship using a song playback, followed more like Jesus. Now that’s a good thing to do
Teach best practices for safety as you go. Have by a prayer for the day. every week!
battery powered or wired lights for storage 7:55 We take a 5-minute break while last 5
trucks, backstage, or poorly lit areas. Have minutes of our countdown loop plays and
clear walking paths backstage that are free people address last minute details.
from emptied cases (have a place for these). 8:00 Starting with the opening song, as if it was
Tape down or use rubber or nylon cable covers the actual service, we run through the
to reduce tripping hazards. Teach constant entire worship set, including the emcee’s
communication: carrying welcome, offering, prayer, youth dismissal,
something and exiting a door into a busy
transition song, and sermon bumper.
walkway, announce “going up” or “going down” Because we’re a video venue streaming
when raising or lowering a lift, especially when live from our broadcast campus, we play
March 2020
Timothy J Miller
Has served in worship for over 30 years in small,
medium, large, and multi-site churches. In addition
to being the technology director at Bayside
Community Church - WSC (an 8-campus, 12k+
congregation along Florida’s Gulf Coast), he
writes for church leadership and worship-related
publications. His recent book, Born For Worship:
The Best You Can Be In Worship Arts Ministry, uses
mini-chapters to help teams and individuals explore
the biblical foundations that result in growth and
effective service.
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