the last ten years is being really invested in the Then there is also something that happens new ways to do that together as a body and
local church. Whatever city were in we really together in unity that I feel, in the same way we trusting in and connecting with your leadership.
have tried to stay connected and invested, have to go somewhere individually, we have to and that’s what Katie was just talking about. go somewhere corporately and together.
There is something very valuable about being
[WM] Thank you for your kind allowance of
time spent with me. It’s been so good to get to
known, being part of the team and part of the Something that we find really valuable is the know you a bit. Worship Musician wishes you
community, and in serving something greater local team community, and we encourage continued blessing on your lives, impact upon
than yourself, and a lot of times that can look worship leaders to really connect with their the church, and work for the Kingdom.
like local church worship leaders and musicians. pastors. Take them out to dinner, find their I think we have the opportunity to lead people vision of the church, figure out the best way to into the presence of God where anything is serve the local body, and realize that at the end possible and where things change. For years I of the day it’s not about us, the individual, it’s think what we’ve seen and have realized is that about us as a community and a corporate body, we want to be pursuing God on our own, and I going after God together and experiencing His would encourage everyone on the team to find goodness and His kindness in a new way.
[Bryan + Katie] Thank you so much!
that secret place, to go into the room, to strum
those two chords, to sing those spontaneous So, I think we should be plugging into and
songs, and to experience God’s presence. going after God individually, and then finding
March 2020
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