their dynamics at all, guess who’s going sound first when setting up or making changes to sound out of step from the others? to their keys rig, as in my opinion it should be. You! Dynamic changes are most effective But over time as worship music continues to As you work towards preparing an excellent
when the whole band is dialed into those change, as band members and keys players worship service or perhaps multiple services for
changes so make sure that you’re not come and go, and as the current season for this upcoming Easter I pray that any changes
going too far above your band sonically your own worship team changes there’s a you make to your worship team whether
when you’re adding brightness. decent chance that the piano sound that felt personnel, gear, technology or otherwise go
dialed-in a year or two ago could be improved smoothly. I pray that as you strive to bring a
PIANOS WITH POWER upon with just a bit of time spent in self-analysis. relevant, inspiring worship keys sound to your
Lastly friends, you need to have a great piano I’d propose that as you prepare your Easter energy and passion you put into this important
sound dialed in for Easter. Now this one might worship set-list you take a minute to listen to instrument. Lastly, I pray for amazing responses
seem like a given and I guess it is in one way the piano sounds in those songs specifically from your congregations as you lead them in
obvious that you need to have a good piano and compare them to the piano sound you use worship of the King, who is indeed, risen!
sound ready to go for modern worship music, most often now. You might not need to make but hear me out. Let me pose a question, any adjustments at all, and if not that’s great, “When’s the last time you intentionally evaluated but you may find that a simple tweak or two the piano sound you use most often, in isolation can add a bit of fresh energy to what’s likely the from the rest of the band?” most important sound in your keys rig.
band everyone on your team is excited by the
I find that many bands select their go-to piano
March 2020
Go get ‘em!
David Pfaltzgraff
SundaySounds.com, a site that resources worship
keys players and guitarists around the world.
David currently resides in Des Moines, IA with his
wife and two boys. He enjoys volunteering in his
church’s worship ministry, old synthesizers, and a
good super-hero movie.
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