both locally and globally, and you find those
moments and those songs. Just in the last two [Bryan] (laughter) I actually don’t have that [WM] The motto for Jesus Culture Sacramento
years those songs like “No Longer Slaves”, or many guitars. I have a lot of friends who have a is, “Encountering God. Empowering People.
“Reckless Love”, a song that maybe has been ton of guitars, but my only electric guitar is that Engaging our City”. That’s an admirable
said before that maybe is being said in a little Gretsch White Falcon. I’ve had that since we and succinct mission statement. How has it
bit different way, but more than anything that first got married, so I’ve had it about ten years manifested in your lives as worshipers?
God is speaking that over the global church at and have traveled everywhere with it for a while.
that moment and there is just something fresh
[Katie] It’s been a really cool thing to be a
sounding in His spirit. And I think as a worship The acoustic guitar I have right now, I love it part of the local expression of Jesus Culture.
leader it’s searching for those songs that will so much, it’s a Custom Martin. I don’t have it For years Jesus Culture was connected to a
connect with you and connect with your local with us in Nashville, I borrowed our friend Chris bigger church, but it was more of a conference
church. And as a writer it’s that you’re trying McClarney’s guitar, but my guitar looks like a type ministry and a record label. A lot of music
to press into God’s word and His spirit, and to 00-15. It’s all mahogany and there is custom came out of it, but there was a weekly service
be searching for those words and melodies of work all in the bracing and in the neck. I love and community built around that business
what is the right season at the right time. it, it sounds beautiful, so that’s the one I play statement. So being a part of something that is
everywhere for the most part, I travel with it investing in a location and seeing the slow grow
[WM] Bryan, I noticed in your video “High unless I have a friend on the other end who I and being known by and knowing other people
Above”, you’re playing a Gretsch White Falcon, can use one of their guitars (laughs). But I love in our church community has just been really
which is cool in any decade. What is your the sound of it. It’s very warm, and I thank precious to us. It’s something that we dreamed
current acoustic guitar of choice? Jesus for it. of for a long time to be able to do along with still
March 2020
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