[Katie] That song was written with Benjamin to see the fulfillment of some of my promises, are reminding our spirit. I specifically love the
Hastings, and Ben Fielding. They’re both from I almost forgot about how great a miracle bridge of the song. Ben Fielding contributed a
Hillsong. We love their songwriting and we’ve that truly was, within just a couple of months. lot to that, and it talks about all of the things
loved them from afar for a long time. We had Sometimes we need to remind our spirit of that we have seen God do before. “If He broke
Benjamin Hastings over to our house because what God has done before, and what He says. through the oceans then He can break through
a lot of our songwriting really just starts with That’s what that song came out of, there is a the chains/His word made the mountains He
a conversation. It’s very rare that we have a line in there that says, “How quickly we forget can move them all the same.” I just love the
theme or anything going into it, we just start the God that lives in every day/He resides in contrast between God being where He resides
talking about what God is doing in our lives, the mundane”, because I think we, and I have every day, or in the mundane. He can still move
what He is saying, and what is a theme that previously, looked for these huge mountaintop the mountains and He can still raise the dead,
we’re hearing from the church right now that is experiences to shape who God is in my life and He can still do a miracle and He is so much
outside of our own experience. Something we in my relationship with Him, but I forget to look bigger than we realize. Some of that has been
kept coming back to, was the theme of how we for Him in the slower moments of daily life and really beautiful for me to remember in this last
could see a miracle, and after a year or even a in the small choices that we make and to be season.
couple of months go by, how easily we could in constant communion and communication forget who God is, how good He is, and what with Him. I think there is nothing like becoming [WM] As songwriters writing many songs
He is capable of, and how holy He is. a mother, that has reminded me to cherish together, honesty with each other must be in
the day to day and to look for Jesus in those place (both laugh). Writing songs as a married
It's so interesting to me. As I was mentioning moments, because (laughing) I need Jesus in couple, was that honesty there from the
before with our previous EP Praise Before My those moments. beginning, or did you develop it over time?
through one of the toughest seasons of my life, So, it’s just been a great year for that, and [Bryan] It was there from the beginning for
and when I was doing good again and living this song really reflects those moments that sure. I think it’s probably easier now to take it
Breakthrough, I saw God personally just pull me
March 2020
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