How have you moved past those distractions your voice, based on other people’s reactions,
to get ‘the main event’ of leading people to their but I’m looking at the whole of your life and it’s
breakthrough worship? pleasing to me, so could you look at the whole
of your life and not segment out these couple
[Kalley] I feel like that’s a very humbling spot of elements and judge yourself according to
for me to be in. I have had to wrestle some of those?”
that down. There was one time in a worship
set a couple years back, I was pretty fresh to In a beautiful way, it kind of harkens back to the
leading at Bethel, pretty insecure, and I just idea that if worship is a lifestyle, it’s our whole
kind of let myself be insecure before the Lord lives, then I can’t actually afford to divorce my
because He’s a good place to do that. I was performance, my expression of worship, from
feeling all of that, and I remember Him saying, how I treat people around me, or who I am as
“Kalley, ‘I Exalt Thee’ is just as loud off the stage a family member, or the way that I budget and
as it is on the stage. You can sit and critique manage my life and steward my opportunities.
your worship based on your sound, based on All of it is kind of on the table. I think it’s given
March 2019
me access for the Lord’s compassion in my
life, to see it as being just one part. It’s a really
important part, but it’s also just one part. God
never asked me to be perfect, He asked me to
show up, do my best, and be obedient.
As a mother, I don’t get frustrated with my
girls if they didn’t string the beads the right
way the first time, you know? Or, if they help
me stir the pancake mix and inevitably powder
is everywhere, I’m not going to get frustrated
with them about that. The Lord once told me,
“You think you’re a better mother than I am
a father?” (laughs) Wow that one hurt, ouch!
He told me to call him Father, that means that
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