a weekly Monday meeting seeing which songs the atmosphere shifts in the room and faith to have programmers and folks on staff so we
work for the congregation. I feel like we have rises up. can put a lot of intricacy into them. But, if you’re
a unique slant on how to position not only the
a small church they work just great if your
lyrical dynamic but also the right tempos, all the [WM] A moment ago Chris kind of reverse worship leader steps up to a piano or acoustic
things that would qualify a song for a Sunday engineered the worship reality that a lot of guitar and sings these choruses. A lot of us
morning experience. churches face. They have smaller teams that were brought up with the sense that if it doesn’t
often have to take giant arrangements and work on a guitar or a piano, it’s probably not
[Nicole] “Jesus You Alone” was one of those make them work for their teams. Have you tried going to work when it’s all hyped up.
songs that people in our congregation really these songs in stripped-down versions as well?
engaged with the first time we did it. “Wonderful
[WM] In days past, vocalists learned to blend
Things” is also powerful – really singable and [Nicole] We released a series of EPs, which by standing around a piano looking at and
declarative, especially in the bridge. I also have several of the songs on the new album listening to one another. How do you approach
agree with Chris on “Who is Like the Lord”. in a very stripped-down fashion. They’re very getting people to blend given the prevalence of
I think all three of these songs all go back to stripped down but they’re still very present! the ‘me loudest’ that can accompany the in-ear
what John was saying about vertical songs
monitor experience?
declaring the truth of who God is, the truth of [Chris] We were very particular about the His word, there is power in declaring the name songs we selected, thinking about how they [John] There’s no substitute for what we were
of Jesus and there is power in declaring who work on a Sunday morning and in different talking about, just getting into a room, staring
He is. With those three songs we’ve seen how formats. As a large church we’re very blessed at each other, and singing the songs and
March 2019
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