Worship Musician March 2019 | Page 3
Norm is passing the baton to our other bass
columnists. I personally will miss Norm in the
Sometimes the Lord brings people into our magazine, but if I ever get lonely for a visit, I
lives that you were just meant to know. can just go to YouTube and watch his new
Grooves and Sushi show. It is amazing too and
Sometimes they are people that you may has all kinds of musical nuggets for all types of
only physically see once a year, but once you musicians. Don’t miss it!
connect again, it is like not a day has passed
since the last time you saw them.
In 1999, I met a young bassist named Norm
Stockton. He was a very talented player, but day on, Norm and Lincoln became fast friends
even better than that, he had a knack for and then for years Norm played for Lincoln in
teaching bass principles to others. That was his touring band.
the type of person I was looking for to write for
our magazine.
We also published a book of Norm’s articles Norm – you know you are in our “Friend for Life”
for Hal Leonard Publishing, “The Worship Bass Club. Thank you for 20 years of writing for us…
Summit Book - Bass, Expresso and the Art of Grove”. and more than that, your steadfast friendship.
conference in 2003, we placed Norm on stage It is chock-full of good content that came from for an impromptu jam session with drummer our years of working together. We love you dearly!
Now after twenty years of writing for us, Bruce & Judy
Will Denton and another young guitarist…
Lincoln Brewster. It was amazing! From that
The Cast
Publisher + Editor:
Bruce Adolph
Vice President:
Judy Adolph
Editorial + Ad Director: Doug Doppler
Associate Editor:
Michael Hodge
Transcription Editor:
Shelley Cush
Ad Sales Manager:
Drew Adolph
Ad Acct Exec:
Steve Sattler
Higher Ed Acct Exec: Alex MacDougall
Production Manager: Mike Adolph
Layout + Design:
Matt Kees
Customer Experience: Brian Felix
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©2019 Worship Musician published by Adolph Agency, Inc.
March 2019
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