remember asking, “Why are you guys doing presence of His people and the Holy Spirit, and time constraints. It has been a grassroots
this? Can’t we just do all the worship at the that does something to you. movement. It didn’t start from me, it didn’t start
beginning?” And Ger’s response was
from anybody in charge of anything. It just came
Angeles traffic is so gnarly that a lot of people So that’s the environment from which these out of the small groups and the community. So
only make it into service fifteen or thirty minutes songs and this community exist, a huge it’s a special thing. For me to walk into a room
late. And worship is such a core value for us expectancy for the presence of God showing where that’s happening, and just knowing that
we’ve decided to put it at the end of the service up when we meet, and a huge desire for people are there because they want to call
so that if people only get one thing, we want worship. Our Kingdom Come nights are on the name of the Lord, they want to honor
to get them in the presence of God.” Truth on really just an overflow from our weekend the name of the Lord, they want to enjoy His
fire is what he would call it. In worship you’re services because there was a desire to gather presence for no other reason than just to be
getting the truth about who the Lord is in the together and worship without Sunday meeting with Him… that’s amazing!
March 2019
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