[Brenton] Thank you. Honestly it was a [WM] What other song on the record Heaven
massive risk because I’m terrible at backing All Around Us seems to minister to your home
vocals. I only do melodies. It’s an established church during this time?
Even so come Lord Jesus.
[WM] It is pretty amazing that you have a
fact. My band and anyone who knows me,
partnership with Capitol CMG and the Worship
knows I can’t do them. (laughs) I just do [Brenton] There’s a line in a song David Together folks and platform. Tell us about some
melodies! And so does Giorgi! But something Brymer leads, “Wave After Wave”, that goes of the resources you have developed?
happens when Giorgi starts singing, she’s like “I can’t deny what I have seen, I still believe a lightning conductor for the presence of God. for the greater things. God you still move, you [Brenton] It’s ridiculously good that Capitol is
There were no parts or backing vocals coming still heal, I will believe for the greater things”. supporting us. Out of the twelve songs, we’ve
from either of us, we just both sang the melody, Almost every time we sing that line it feels like recorded five New Song Café videos covering
like, “Good luck everybody, we’re doing this!” something happens in the room. All of us have the songs that we feel like might be the most
The song started out with my intern Max witnessed the goodness of God breaking into congregational
Morozov. He’s such a good boy. He’s the son our lives, sometimes personally, sometimes in I never had! (laughing) He had the bridge and a corporate setting. David grew up an IHOP [WM] Tell us about the Kingdom Come
the line “you’re so much better, you’re so much kid, the son of a worship leader. He’s had front monthly worship nights at your church? Is this
kinder than anything we think you are” and what row seats to a powerful wave of God’s Spirit where you get to test-drive some of the songs?
a great place to start. That’s the fundamental stirring people to prayer and mission. I got to question of life. Who we think God is and what see and still see the way the Spirit of God has [Brenton] The amazing thing about this
we think He’s like. And when we go through moved in the UK, igniting hearts to faith across church, Vintage, is how they love worship.
these difficult moments, when we walk through the nation. The cares of this world and perhaps This community really loves to worship. The
the valley of the shadow of death, the first thing journeying through experiences can shake our church is only seven years old, so we’re just a
the enemy does is question the character and bold confidence in the goodness of God. Each baby church. But from the beginning Ger and
the goodness of God. So it means something one of us has witnessed the goodness of God Lizzie loved worship so much that they made
to be led in worship by somebody who’s walked in the land of the living. And each one of us it a priority. The first time I came to church it
through that and answered that question for longs to see Him move again in power. This was ten minutes of worship at the beginning
themselves. It carries a weight to it. song makes some room for Him to do that. and then the rest of the worship at the end. I
March 2019
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