[WM] Now your community of songwriters I came home with songs that moved me. It was it, but nothing is beyond His reach in terms
was in the process of producing a new record super rewarding and I felt at times it was a little of redemption.
for Vintage Worship. Where and how was bigger than us. It’s been a joy, a joy to see that it recorded? process, and a joy to see how close the team The fact that this song was written by the crew
has become and to see how much community that wrote it is a testimony to the kindness and
we’ve got to lead together. the faithfulness of God, because Giorgi and
[Brenton] I just asked what would Brian
Doerksen do and I did that. (laughs) I mean,
Leo who wrote on this song have been through
undertaking any kind of recording project you [WM] Some of the songs are quite poignant incredible loss. They gave birth to a beautiful
need to count the cost, it’s not an inexpensive considering what your community has gone daughter, their first, and for a year they were
process, neither physically or emotionally. through. Tell us about “Generous Giver” as a in and out of the ER as Vita struggled through
song and the interplay between the male and medical. And then after a year, and countless
female vocals on that song? prayers, their baby girl, Vita, died. It was a
So I was a little bit resistant to the idea of it, but
I really felt the nudging of the Lord. We have a
terrible loss, but also a very traumatic and
group of really talented musicians, songwriters, [Brenton] We can’t escape this topic difficult loss, as they’d spent most of that year in
and worship leaders, and I just felt the Lord say, today, Bruce, there’s no escaping it! There’s the hospital. But at the end of that year, instead
“ This is the next step.” So we did it. I had no no escaping life! You’re just going to have to of walking away from the Lord they leaned
expectations on how it would turn out, I just sift your way through this and pick out the into Him. They moved up to Redding and did
knew we had to do it and that we would do it bones. But our church has a statement of the Bethel school of ministry and worshiped.
as a community. So we started setting aside what we believe and what we’re about… it’s Their relationship with God is a beautiful thing.
Saturdays to gather together and pray and about joining God in the renewal of all things. Knowing their story, it’s extraordinary that they
worship and then try and write songs about That’s the mission of God. He’s renewing His would have any hope that life could be good or
what God has been doing with us. That was Creation. And to do that He steps into loss and that God could be close and doing something
it. I didn’t have any expectations of the record He steps into brokenness and makes it new. significant. But they do have that.
making an impact on anybody else outside of He’s not beyond using loss and brokenness our church. I just felt like it was what our next to accomplish His purposes, even if He [WM] It’s a beautifully crafted song with the
step was. But at the end of some of those days doesn’t cause it - of course He doesn’t cause male and female vocal parts.
March 2019
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