and it sort of feels present… and maybe His [Michael] This is not selfish, but I’m actually said you’d never leave me or forsake me. So,
presence. But I think people will be able to take first of all thinking about me. Because I’ve got in the midst of feeling like there is no way out, I
this and read the Word and meditate and all some battles going on. You feel like your family know there is, because I know you’re with me.”
that. I’m kind of excited about that one honestly. is being attacked and you’re going, “God, And then I’ll automatically look at the audience
where are you?” Then when I sing that song I and I’ll look at people crying and weeping and
[WM] The song Surrounded (Fight My Battles) automatically think of all the promises of God, singing that song, and you just have no idea the
is really taking off. Our readers can watch the and that they’re all true, and I say, “You know battles that people have faced. It’s a big song,
video of you leading this on your YouTube what God, you said you’d never leave me or and I love that there are only two lines in it and
Channel. What does this song mean to you as forsake me, you said it and your Word is true, so it works. It just simply works.
you lead others in it? I’m choosing to believe with great faith that you
March 2019
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