electric guitars over the years than acoustics,
just sounded so good.
[Daniel] Like I said, I’ve bought way more
so I haven’t owned tons and tons of acoustic
electric guitars over the years than acoustics,
guitars. I love acoustic guitar and I’ve always I think another good learning lesson, once but it’s the same with those as well, I think
had a couple of good ones. The first one I ever you’re happy with your sound, it’s fun to play. you’re just looking for something that inspires
had was a Taylor, that was my dream guitar I’m never on stage thinking I wish I could change you. For me it’s always about the thing that
when I was in high school and it is fun that we something, or that I had different pedals. I’m really speaks to me, it just sounds really nice
still get to play them now on the road. never thinking any of that, I’m just playing. And coming off of the guitar, and it’s resonant, and
that’s one fun thing about playing acoustic that my fingers feel comfortable playing it. It’s
I’ve really loved the way that they speak in the guitar, when I’m playing electric guitar I can get like I could play it all day. And something that
mix and I really enjoy getting to play them, they so particular about my sound that I forget to I’m excited to go show my band mates like,
play well and it feels familiar to me. The top play, because I’m thinking about changing the “Oh man, look what I picked up at the guitar
end is something that’s always been pleasant, overdrive, or about the delay. You know there store!” A lot of times if I can I’ll walk away from
I haven’t truly spent a lot of time analyzing that. are so many variables that sometimes you the store, and if I’m still thinking about it two
I don’t run through any effects or anything on can forget to be speaking with your playing. or three days, or two week later, that’s usually
the board, I run through a tuner and then we’ve And with acoustic that’s fun, because maybe my indication that I should go back and get
got guys who are really pro at what they do on you’re hitting a tuner, or one pedal, but you’re that guitar. Or, this is another funny one, if you
the sound boards and stuff so I just let them not worried so much about pedals and tones. put it back on the guitar hanger and you see
handle the EQ. But it always sounds so good You’re really just inspired to play, and that’s why someone else in the guitar store come over and
that I never really have to worry about it. It’s I really love it and our Taylors have been great grab it off the wall, and that makes you jealous,
like, there’s my guitar, it sounds like I want it for that. like, “Get your hands off my guitar!” That’s
to sound. It sounds good in the in-ears and it’s
usually a good indication that it’s a guitar you
kind of a no brainer. I just never spent any time [WM] So what are the things that you look for
thinking about the tone of it because it’s always in an acoustic?
should purchase. (laughs)
Mary Claire Photography
March 2019
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