They’ve got all these new ones that are just I learned a lot from him over the years, we really way… the upcoming 35th Event with several
so complex, but I’m not hard to please when got close when we did the first youth night in Country and Christian artists playing your
it comes to in-ears, it comes down to who is Cleveland, Ohio. Over these last ten years, songs. Tell us about it?
doing the monitors and who can give you what just lots of time on the mountain with him, you you need. But I’ve been with Westone for a know, watching him get old. Who knows how [Michael] It was not my idea. I just don’t like
long time. For my vocal mic, I’m not sure what many times he laid hands on me and prayed to be the center of attention, I almost said,
the model number is but Audio-Technica have for me, and all of a sudden, he’s too weak to “No”. But I know the guy that came to me and
been my go to people, I love them, they’re pray and I’m praying for him. I’d just set my just really felt like it was the right thing, so I felt
amazing, they have just been so kind to me for keyboard up beside him when he couldn’t say it was dishonoring on some level to say no.
many years, not just with the vocal mics but just anything and play hymns for him. Just precious You know what, some of us are good at giving,
about every mic that’s on stage, even the ones times. And that’s the song that he wanted me and I can always do better, but some of us are
that we’re mic-ing the drums with. to play at his funeral, and I didn’t sing it very not good at receiving, and I’m probably one of
well. I just… it was so tough. It’s still so tough those people. I think you have to learn how to
[WM] You touched the nation when you talking about it, I just miss him. My goal was just receive, so I just said, “Alright, let’s do it!” And
performed at Billy Graham’s Memorial service. to get through the song, but it was not a good I hope it will just be a God honoring night and
What did Pastor Graham mean to you performance and I’m sorry about that, but I’m people’s lives will be changed. But man, the
personally and what was that moment like? glad I got through it. lineup is crazy so I’m sure I’m just gonna sit
in the front row with a box of Kleenex and cry
[Michael] He was a great, great, great friend.
[WM] You are being honored in a very special
March 2019
through the whole thing.
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