was looked all the things that I liked about [Paul] My favorite is still the Custom Audio amps, got rid of the things that I didn’t, and we Electronics by Bob Bradshaw. I actually sent put them into this. you a picture of the last pedal board that Bob [Paul] There are things like an original Tri-
did for me. Stereo Chorus, I have a Neve EQ, a tube
[WM] Having the right arsenal of great
[WM] So, I have to ask, what’s in your rack?
compressor so I can mic the amps and then
sounding gear is key to being a working Then on one board I have an EF-8, and on my process them after the pedals. I have an
musician, and you’ve been on the ‘it list’ of little travel board I have an MS-3, both of those Eventide Eclipse, a Line 6 Delay Modeler, Delay
hired guns for decades. Noting that you’ve are by Boss. Pro I think it’s called, and then I have a Mod Pro.
done a ton of TV work, I don’t necessarily see
But I also have a variety of pedals from Mutron,
you spending a lot of time just sitting down on Then I have a rack at home that Bob Bradshaw a Big Muff Fuzz, a Demeter Opto Compulator
the couch casually looking at the latest gear did that’s all big pedals and big sub-rack gear Compressor, an old Soldano gigantic tube
while the TV set blares away. What is your and pedals and stuff. So that’s kind of my gear overdrive, just all kinds of stuff. I have a lot of
approach for finding the next pieces of gear to of choice. My favorite is still what Bob Bradshaw Exotic pedals. On my travel board, I have a Soul
add to your collection? did, sonically I think he’s still the best. Although Driven and an SL Drive, and I have BB Preamps
Dave Phillips of L.A. Sound Design, is right on and different ones on different boards.
[Paul] Same way everybody else does…
his heels.
the Internet, looking at records, and talking
to folks. I’m always looking at new stuff. One
thing you never want to do is rest on your
laurels. Any laurels, musical, sonic, anything. I
tell my students all the time that the day that
you think you have mastered this is the day
that you should retire, because you’re basically
done. The day you stop looking for a better
sound, a better way to play, a better technique
or anything, you should stop because you’ve
choked it off. I was reading a book by Miles
Monroe, and one of the problems with retiring
is that you cut off the potential that God has left
in you. The only way to find out what potential
you have is by continuing to work, and strive,
and examine and look at things. Plus, I want to
Studio Board
stay current for my students.
All of my pedal boards are programmable. I was
telling my students they want a programmable
pedal board. As opposed to hitting four
switches to change the sound, you hit one –
and that’s the difference between making the
down-beat and not making the down-beat. So,
I’m always looking at pedals and switchers and
amps, all kinds of stuff.
[WM] Studio musicians’ racks tend to be
as big as they are drool-worthy, and they are
almost always controlled by some kind of
switching system. What are you using these
Travel Board
March 2019
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