tones, and all of that stuff. That’s something I
ended up using pretty much on a daily basis.
[WM] I only was able to find one picture of
you where you’re actually reading music. In all
the other photos, there’s no stand in sight. How
much do you memorize music versus reading it
or playing by feel?
[Paul] The short answer is you’ve got to do
all of it. The Oscars was mostly reading, but
we did a Grammy salute to Motown and that
was a combination of both. Then I did a record
yesterday for a guy, that was all making up the
parts. So, the fact of the matter is you’ve got
to do all of it, you’ve gotta study, you gotta be
able to read, and you gotta make stuff up at the
drop of a hat.
[WM] I’ve noticed that guitar players tend
to fixate on one genre at a time, and in the
process, get really good at a given style. What
are some of your suggestions around getting
good at various styles?
[Paul] Well fortunately it’s a lot easier now
than it ever was. There are all kinds of apps,
there is stuff on YouTube. Most of the books I
buy now can download into my iPad. I have an
iPad full of guitar literature, and then there are
online lessons. There are so many resources
for someone to become proficient on guitar or
their instrument.
The one thing that might be lacking, which I
think is a big thing, is the local rehearsal band
– rehearsing in your garage, and those kinds
of things. That’s something I would encourage
were there things that you enjoyed most, and [WM] What were some of the things you folks to do regardless of genre of music. Find
by the same token, were there any things you learned there that served you most as a four of five friends, get into somebody’s garage,
weren’t that interested in? studio musician? basement, backyard, and just try to work some
[Paul] No, actually I enjoyed all of it. I really [Paul] Working on sight reading. Also, there liked going to school, I was practicing, spending was a teacher by the name of Eddie Arkin But in terms of just trying to become proficient
about ten hours a day playing the guitar, so it who is a harmonic whiz, he’s still around. He on your instrument, there are so many avenues
was really a good time. There were classes specialized in doing these really neat chord now it’s astounding.
on technique, classes on melody, you had to melodies of songs, opening your mind up transcribe solos and all kinds of stuff. I loved all harmonically, what’s possible on the guitar, and [WM] What’s your take on the value of the
of it, it was fantastic to me, I was like a sponge. how to move things – leading notes, common metronome and the click as far as vehicles
ideas out.
March 2019
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