Worship Musician March 2018 | Page 24

KEYS [ KEYS TO DOING A GREAT JOB | Ed Kerr ] Threads. Connections. Themes. Messages keyboard players are able to contribute a huge ear and your musical sensibilities tell you which you hear often enough in your life that you start variety of sounds from our instruments. String instrument best drives the song. Many of us let thinking “I get it!” sounds, oboe lines, horn melodies, electric well-known recordings of the song settle this piano comps. If you don’t have a modern for us, but you have the freedom to arrange the Lately I’m finding that many times when I read keyboard but are limited to playing a piano at song differently if you choose. Scripture, or read a book, or an online article, your church, this point is still true. A piano can or rethink conversations I’ve had with friends, make a huge variety of sounds over the range The bottom line is that you’ll either be driving there’s one of those messages coming through. of the instrument. Fast activity, sparkling high the song or supporting the instrument that is. It’s a simple message. It shows up in lots of notes, aggressive low notes. You can play any Do your job. Know which role you have. variations. In fact, I heard “Do your job” during keyboard loudly or softly. Any instrument you’re the recent Super Bowl when the Eagles played playing can play repeated patterns, driving the Patriots. I Googled an article about this rhythms, and conspicuous melodic figures. The phrase. It’s become a mantra for the Patriots’ thing you and I have to determine is not what Have you ever been involved in a conversation coaches and players. One of them summarized could I be doing at any point in each song, but with several friends where two people were what the phrase means to the team as: “I like what should I be doing. talking at the same time? Uh huh. Me too. to think of it like our team is kind of like a car. There are a number of questions you can ask Drives you nuts, right? Me too. We want to Some guys might be the motor. Some guys 2. WHAT ARE THE VOCALISTS DOING? focus on one person at a time in conversations. might be the windshield wipers, the lights, steering wheel… No matter what it is, you’ve got to do your job.” What a great restatement of 1 Corinthians 12:12-21, where we read that the body is not made of one part but many. Varied functions. One body. Perfect analogy for the worship teams you and I regularly play on. Many instruments, one purpose, presenting music that creates an atmosphere where the gathered people of God can offer their worship to the Living God. Yep. The theme that keeps coming my way so consistently these days is that I have an The thing you Our musical arrangements can be thought of and I have to being sung, respect that as much as you do determine is not what could I be as conversations. When the song’s melody is when someone else is talking. Make room for that melody to be heard. Don’t be playing lots of melodic activity on your instrument. This is important for keyboard players, guitarists, drummers, bass players, and for everyone in doing at any the band. point in each song, but what should I be doing. We should showcase the melody in the same way that a great lighting director on Broadway can make every eye in a theatre turn to a specific spot on the stage. Melody wins. 3. WHAT OPTIONS DO I HAVE? important job to do. It’s true in my relationship with my wife, with my children, and with the yourself throughout a song to determine what musicians on my worship team. It’s true as your job is, and what you should be doing. I relate to every person I encounter on my Always remember that your contributions to the arrangement can be influenced by several commute to work. It’s true as I connect with 1. WHAT ARE THE OTHER INSTRUMENTS IN THE that person who helped me check out at Home BAND DOING? Depot today. It’s pointless and frustrating when factors: repetition, range, and resolution. • Are you playing a repetitive figure? Be careful I try to be anything else but who God made Often there’s one instrument that is driving that it’s not competing with the vocal melody me to be. the song and providing the most conspicuous and that it’s not walking over an essential part activity. In modern worship recordings, this is another instrument is playing. If yours is the It’s no stretch to relate this to what you and I do often an acoustic or electric guitar. It’s often an in our worship teams. More than ever before, acoustic piano sound, too, though. Let your 24 March 2018 WorshipMusician.com continued on 31