Worship Musician March 2018 | Page 21

and sometimes one of those will play acoustic [WM] How long do you test out a song before my love for You this way. And, I thank You for guitar. you select it for the record? the words that you have given us as a tribe, [WM] How many do you have in church [Mariah] Um, sometimes it will be right away. beauty onto every church and every worship attendance for these services? It’s been like that in a few cases. I remember leader and every songwriter that is searching “Back to You” was one of those, and “Tremble” for words like grasping into thin air to have was another. But, it’s usually a few weeks. them. it will range from 500-700 people attending [WM] How are you running your tracks for I pray that you will continue to give people new each service. So, in our Hollywood location, we service? ideas that explain the depth of Your love. I just and I pray that You would continue to pour out [Mariah] Right now, we have nine services and each service holds about 700 people. So, end up having like 3500 people. hope for anyone that is struggling right now [Mariah] We use Ableton Live to run the that You would give them new images and a [WM] Wow! So for you… at your location, tracks, and we’ve been using the Looptimus new voice. I pray that You continue to move so how many services do you lead? And are they pedal from Loop Community. actively, that people who are trying to express all the same? [Mariah] Five! And yeah, we’re experimenting and sing to You…that You continue to let them [WM] Tell me about your other gear… your move forward, to take the next step, let them in-ears? write the next bad song so that they can write right now… we just recently went back to five the next great song. services there and the last service we will add [Mariah] I’m using 64 Audio and most of the two songs and have an extended worship team has both 64 Audio and Alclair for in-ear I’m so grateful that You’ve given people a gift time. It’s our time to train people and have new monitors. to be able to write songs. I thank You so much worship leaders step in to kind of guide them for the people who have written the greatest and help mentor them through that. It’s just [WM] I know that we have readers of Worship songs ever and that we just continue to follow kind of a different vibe. Musician Magazine who are praying about in their footsteps and continue to write them. writing songs for their church. Could you just I’m so grateful for all the people who are pray over our readers in the area of writing for reading this magazine. I pray that You continue the church? to bless them. Bless their search for greatness [WM] What’s the timeline on your new project? [Mariah] We hopefully will have it before the in worship and to continue to pursue what it end of the year. Right now, we’re in the early [Mariah] Sure! Father, we just thank you that stages. We’re trying to write 40 songs in a we can express our gratitude and our love for couple of weeks. Right now, we probably have You through the gift of music and songwriting I 10-11 songs, and we want 40 more to prepare and worship. And, I’m just really grateful for name, amen! for the new record. the ability to express You this way…to express March 2018 means to worship You fully. just WorshipMusician.com love You so much! In Jesus 21