it was in alignment with all that was happening wrote an EP that came out this past year. That with his books, and as he would go around
at Mosaic. I just felt like God was bursting the was really specific to a verse and to a theme the country to conferences and preach. I loved
doors open. So many things were coming out because it was based on our conference. That to see how he had impacted people from
of Mosaic at the time, so it was just natural was really cool, and I find that to be the best around the world. I want to be an extension
for us to create something in our lane as well. and most productive way because it feels so of that legacy that he has had within Mosaic,
It just kind of happened supernaturally. We aligned with everything that is happening. and I want our worship team to be able to do
wrote probably 20 songs in just a few weeks.
the same thing. I remember hearing so many
We wanted to record them for our church. So, our next record that we’re going to work on people say to him, “I heard you preach at this
We wanted our church to have them and we here pretty soon is sort of surrounding a theme event and it changed my life…” So, I want that
wanted to move toward only singing Mosaic that he’s given us…verses he has given us. We to be Mosaic’s story through-and-through in
songs, because we just love the language that want to be as clear and connected as possible every capacity. I think it is so special because
Mosaic has. It kind of just snowballed from and move as a unit as a church and as a band. of the way that he has led us and also for the
Now, we’ve opened that (writing process) up to
foundation that he has laid, but he has really
[WM] How has the writing process changed encouraged us also to do this. He’s felt like it’s
for you and the team? really important for the world to listen to this
the people on our team when they feel like they
and for us to continue to write songs for people
want to step into that. We try to develop them [Mariah] Well, I think at the beginning we as writers. We have so many Sundays, and we knew that we have a very specific language,
who don’t know Jesus.
want to have so many songs that we don’t get because so many people that come don’t [WM] Reading from your bio, you said, “Writing
tired of the songs that we sing! But all that to know Jesus. They are on that journey of finding for our church has changed its culture from not
say… we started with two people. Him. For us, it felt very important that we be being a community that really connects with
able to speak directly to those people, and that worship to a tribe of people who live for it and
[WM] Describe the writing process for we were able to play music that was cool and thrive on it.” Will you expand on that for us?
Mosaic. Do you come together with a theme, clear and that did not have a bunch of language a verse, or something that your father has been that they would not understand if they did not [Mariah] I think even right now, we are
preaching? know every verse in the Bible. As we began seeing a transition to even being a new tribe
to write, and after our first record, there were of worshippers. I think there’s been lots of
[Mariah] I think for the first album, it was people who approached us that were like, “We moments in our journey in the last five years
mainly just the things that were happening want to play these songs and we want these that have pushed us father into pressing into
at Mosaic. We really encourage everyone on songs in our church…this is a language that we that. I do think that it’s an extension of the kind
our team to serve on another team before need to adopt.” of state that Mosaic is continuing to step out
they come on the worship team. A lot of that
into. It seems like we are moving forward, and
motivation is that they would know the people That kind of opened our eyes a little bit to at our church and not feel isolated. If they are maybe releasing these wider and trying to work really involved and have relationships with with people on creating a team. There were For me, it was an interesting transition to be
people outside of our team and know what’s labels and people who were really interested able to understand what it means to be a
going on with the church… for us, (writing) in helping us do that. It’s just been a pretty worshipper. So, it was my personal journey
was just like a natural progression just knowing natural thing. I don’t know that at the beginning as well… to be able to understand what this
what was happening in our church, knowing we thought, “Let’s do this so that we can tour means in my life. I need to be able to first
the people, having relationships. The other side around and play all these opportunities,” but it’s understand it so that I can call people to it. I
of it was being really aware and taking notes been like a dream we didn’t know we had…to understood worship to be more than just one
and being really conscious of what my dad was be able to give language to a new wave of the thing, obviously, and that’s what Mosaic was. I
preaching about on Sunday. It was just kind of church. It’s been really natural, but we couldn’t felt like we didn’t press in enough…like taking
like all that in one. have done it if there were not people coming the time to be grateful to Jesus and to pray to
along side us, encouraging us to share the Jesus.
Then it progressed to the next record. My dad music. That’s really how it became more than
would come give us a vision as the church and just Mosaic.
The writing has connected us in a new way. It
we would try to write music that was matching
that and kind of moving that forward. Then, we
so people are pressing in.
just feels like an amazing moment for us. It’s
It’s been a really cool thing to watch my father
March 2018
prepared us to grow and learn together. It’s