Worship Musician March 2018 | Page 11

[WM] DIGITAL CONSOLE ROUNDUP Crest Tactus 64 System DiGiCo S21 D Rack Tour Here is something truly different in the world of live sound: a system made to work with touch, surface, mouse and pad at the same time. Stellar audio rounds out the offering. Like an entry-level Ferrari: valet parking out front for less. $8,750 crestaudio.com $13,295 digico.biz Dealer/Distributor Dealer/Distributor Mackie DL32R Midas MR18 One of the first iPad controlled digital mixers and still one of the most useful. Perfect for fly dates or any situation requiring excellent sound quality in a compact footprint. $1,799 mackie.com $879 musictri.be Buy at Sweetwater March 2018 WorshipMusician.com Buy at Sweetwater 11