Worship Musician Magazine September 2023 | Page 8

was our drummer just the whole time . He actually co-produced these live albums as well with Aaron Robertson . He ’ s a full on , incredible producer and has been for the last few years . Yeah , so he ’ s a beast . My favorite drummer . He ’ s incredible . He wrote all the drum parts on these last two live records and he ’ s the best .
[ WM ] He also drums at The Belonging Co with you too . He ’ s really got a gift for worship drumming . He ’ s one of my favorite drummer , too .
I want to also talk about the song “ Plead the Blood ”. That ’ s a big one . I know you co-wrote with Chris Davenport and Brandon Lake on this one . Tell us how that came about and what the songwriting experience was for this particular song ?
[ Cody ] Yes , I love that song . That was an idea that Chris Davenport had . He texted me one day and said , “ Hey , I want to write a song with you called ‘ Plead the Blood ’”. And I was instantly in . Sometimes you get sent an idea and it doesn ’ t take much for you to see the vision for what that could be . And that was one of those ideas just from the title . I could instantly just imagine all the different ways we could go with that and how powerful of a song that would be . And then a few weeks after that , we ended up at a writing camp together … Chris , Brandon , Pat Barrett , Alex Pappas and me . We were all in the room together . And so going in on this idea of plead the blood , we ’ re just a bunch of husbands and dads in a room together . And so naturally our heart is drawn towards pleading the blood .
What does that mean ? That means I agree with the authority that Jesus has , the victory that Jesus has on the cross and the authority that he has also invited us into as part of our inheritance through Jesus . It is that victory on Chris Davenport , Brandon Lake , Cody Carnes - Plead The Blood ( Live in the Studio ) the cross over the enemy , over all the things that come against us , and I plead the blood just means I agree with that authority that Jesus has .
And so naturally we ’ re going to apply that to our families . And that ’ s really just where we went in that song , thinking about all the things that we ’ re fighting for as men of God … as husbands , as dads . The things that we need the blood of Jesus so desperately in our lives . I love that song too because we took the old hymn “ Nothing But the Blood ” and we kind of created this newer rendition of it in the bridge .
I ’ ve gotten to lead that song live quite a bit now in the last six months . And I love the way that it just unites generations of people . You ’ ve got people in their twenties singing it and you ’ ve got people in their seventies singing it in the same room . And it ’ s beautiful when that bridge comes around just seeing how it just unites generations in worship . It ’ s a beautiful song . I believe it ’ s an applicator , it ’ s a song that really just applies the power of the blood of Jesus . I ’ ve seen it be so powerful in worship sets .
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