Electrified Fence in North Korea
underground worship leader . We were in fact able to do that very thing . James asked me to play literally everywhere we stopped , including the tour bus every morning with our special assigned State Security Officers . I literally took the opportunity to play in Karaoke Bars , a hotel lobby , and the board room of a prestigious Pyongyang University .
By the way , we left the guitar with a girl who leads a small group in a university in the Capital . She cried after we played “ Amazing Grace ” in the Board Room of that University , then I handed her the guitar . Worship Evangelism and encouraging the believers was our mission .
ITALY : It was a worship band of four from Colorado Springs . Carrie on Keys , Mike on Djembe
& Drums , me on Acoustic / Vocals , and Dan on Bass . We had eight events lined up from Torino to Rome . After a small event with a house church in Rouen France , we drove south toward the beautiful French Alps . Crossing under Mont Blanc in our Sprinter Van , we arrived in Torino late at night . We stayed in a small hotel in the centre . The next day we played at a church of one of Italy ’ s well known 70 ’ s worship musicians . We ‘ adopted ’ three singers for this tour , whom we ’ ve known in Italy for several years . Giorgio , Sara , and Daniella added so much texture to the songs . Again , English is commonly spoken so the concerts and transitions were understood .
One thing that is important to know is that I planned this tour six months in advance . I do the connection with the Italian contacts , venues , and cities . Carrie books the hotels / AirB & B , Van hire , and flight details so that we all arrive together in the same stage of jet lag .
Once we left Torino , we travelled to Bologna . Note : We obviously stop to enjoy all that the city offers in terms of local consumables . Bologna has an active Baptist church that we visited on a previous trip . The pastor is very evangelistic and wants the church to ‘ be ’ the church in the community . He knows the local Pub owner , so he invited us for two nights to play from 8pm-12am both evenings . It was SUCH an incredible time . We took our worship songs and tweaked them so that much of what we played was instrumental . I told the band to freestyle and use discretion whilst creating a vibe that would be conducive to the atmosphere in the Pub . They pulled it off brilliantly ! I would
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