island . We met with 50 worship leaders and artists who had arrived from all over the nation to learn , be equipped , and worship together . One of the workshops that resonated the most was “ Taking worship outside the walls ”. We modeled an example by playing in a Cuban bar a few days later with some Cuban artists . Today , many of those artists and musicians have since set up “ Artist Churches ”, local galleries that during the week are public art galleries and , on the weekends , become a place of refreshments , amazing Cuban coffee , and a place for conversation about faith and art . Our mission was to train and equip the Cuban brothers and sisters , and lead worship over the land .
Disembarking in North Korea
NORTH KOREA : Carrie and I were invited by a ‘ James ’ who attended Beijing International Christian Fellowship where I was worship pastor . Prepandemic , BICF was a church of 4,000 believers , 75 nationalities , and 12 national language-specific congregations . Today it no longer exists as a mega church in Beijing . However , because of Government crackdowns , it has spread into many small house churches .
Worship on a tour bus in North Korea
James wanted us to accompany him and a dozen others to North Korea . I must admit as a worship leader , going to what is known as the “ Hermit Kingdom ”, the most repressed , and secretive society on the planet was possibly the most apprehensive mission I ’ ve considered ! Carrie and I attended a three-day orientation in Beijing before learning that in fact our visas were denied ! A year later we returned . This time we flew over from the U . S . to Beijing to attend our orientation . This time our visas were approved . Fifteen of us would board the two hour and five-minute Air Koryo flight from Beijing to Pyongyang . Once there , we were swiftly escorted through passport control then customs . I was carrying three micro cameras , my iPhone , and a guitar , in addition to my luggage . The guitar was a very kind donation from Mr . Kyser ( Kyser Capos ) and a box full of donated Cut Capos from Mitch Bohannon ([ WM ]’ s own columnist ), to give away to an
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