Worship Musician Magazine September 2022 | Page 50



If you are a guitar player in the great Northwest , chances are you have heard of Joe Riggio … as a well-known and trusted guitar repair person ( the best set-ups in the Northwest ). If you are into vintage guitars and amps you have heard of Joe ’ s broad knowledge in that category as well . And if you are interested in custom electric guitars built by an authentic builder – then you are familiar with Riggio Custom Guitars . Joe is the sole builder in his shop , and he has just been honored with a very special acknowledgment from one of guitardom ’ s most iconic brands – Gibson guitars themselves . When I heard he had a new model of guitar that he just finished building , I headed for his house immediately for a sit-down conversation about all things Riggio . Before we start – full disclosure – Joe has personally been a close friend and confidant for years to me , I have owned and immensely enjoyed playing a Riggio Sierra ( strat style ) guitar since 2015 and I was the first dealer for Riggio Custom Guitars . We offer them for sale both on our Aragorn Guitars and Worship Guitar Player sites on Reverb . I have always said ( and it still rings true today ), “ I have never played a Riggio that I didn ’ t like !”. All that said - let ’ s talk with Joe …
[ WM ] First of all , holding this Burst Standard guitar in my hands is amazing . Tell me what this new licensing agreement with Gibson Guitars means to you as a custom guitar builder ?
[ Joe Riggio ] Yes . Well , the Licensing Agreement is a very rare opportunity and is something that allows me to make this body shape , which is a Gibson trademark , the shape itself , and I am able to use that shape under paid license on my own Riggio guitars . So , this is one of six body styles that I ’ m licensed to use .
50 September 2022 Subscribe for Free ...