Worship Musician Magazine September 2022 | Page 44

Throughout the summer , I lead worship at many different camps and VBS events . It ’ s always fun for me to get to lead the same group of kids for those four to eight sessions . This past summer , I was in Georgia to lead worship at a church ’ s VBS . On the second day , I experienced a major hiccup in my morning that I ended up being able to use in my worship leading .
I was rushing around my hotel room getting ready for the day . I had washed my hair and before I had gotten a chance to use the hair dryer , my hotel lost power . Now , often when there ’ s a power outage it ’ s only for a brief moment and I assumed that ’ s what this was going to be , but it lingered . Minutes later , it still hadn ’ t returned so quicker than I could think “ I ’ ll just load up and get on over to the church and I can finish fixing my hair there .” My phone rang . It was the children ’ s pastor . “ The church doesn ’ t have power . We ’ re in the process of moving VBS outside .” So , yeah , my plan B wasn ’ t going to work either . I still loaded up my things and headed over to the church . By the time I arrived at the church the power had just been restored . I was able to salvage my now not so damp hair and move on . What seemed like a major inconvenience to my day on the surface was exactly that . But God ! In my worship sets that day I was planning to lead a worship song called “ There Is Power ”. The kids were going to be learning about the power of prayer . My morning adventure actually gave me something tangible I could articulate and share with them about better understanding “ power ” and our “ power source ”. I was able to lead that day more effectively than I would have if my hotel had not lost its power .
This experience reminded me about one of my favorite ways to lead worship and that is leading from life experience . I believe it ’ s important to share our story . Share the times when you had an “ aha ” moment . When a song has ministered to you and the message within it has truly helped you keep your head above water . Express to others the concrete moments in life that give you a unique and personal perspective to the message of the song you ’ re gonna sing . These life lessons and experiences bring some powerful ministry moments of you sharing from your heart and telling others about the things God has helped you through and given you wisdom about . It ’ s one of those characteristics that takes you from being just a worship singer to a worship leader .
Psalm 107:2 says : ‘ Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story .” ( NIV ) I remember the time I was in Arizona with mountains in the horizon of everywhere I turned . It was back when “ One Thing Remains ” was new and super popular . Standing on stage that Sunday singing the lyric , “ Higher than the mountains that I face ”, it took on a richer , greater meaning than when I had stood in Missouri singing the same phrase . Because now I had an experience and word imagery that helped me to grasp how big , wide , and great is the love of God . I could then share this renewed focus with those I lead .
So , I have some homework for you today . What is something that you ’ ve experienced in the adventure of your life , in recent months or even the past year , that you could use to teach and
challenge those you lead in worship ? Does that story or lesson tie into a song you ’ re leading soon ? Plan to share what you learned . Plan to challenge and invite them into a deeper time of worship by sharing your story and what God has revealed to you . He wants to use your life to lead others closer to Him . That ’ s your job as a worship leader . This is just another facet of how we do it .
May I remind you to remember God ’ s goodness ? Have you ever had a day like my “ losing the power ” story where throughout it you saw God ’ s providence ? How He equipped you to lead your “ planned ” set more effectively and sincerely than you would have the day you crafted the plan ? Give God thanks for His strength in your life . He is faithful to us on stage and off . May our lives always be for His glory ! Selah .
© 2022 Yancy Ministries , Inc .
Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her Dove Award winning music is all the things kids love and everything adults value . Her newest “ Little Praise Party ” album is “ Out of This World ”. Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a curriculum to teach kids the heart of worship . She recently authored the book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ”. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com
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