Worship Musician Magazine September 2022 | Page 42

INSPIRED ONE SONG AT A TIME | Vance & Michelle Shepherd
We come from an 18-year full time professional music touring career , and after settling in Las Vegas , NV full time , my wife and I found ourselves attending a church regularly where we met a really talented worship leader . He had the gift of encouragement and would always lift up and encourage any musician that he came across . He had such a joyful spirit emanating from the platform that we had to approach him after church one night and offer our services to him as musicians and singers . Our long friendship began and still exists to this day . He is the reason we fell in love with leading worship and then moved to having hearts to help kids be able to do the same . God truly used his giftings to attract us and inspire us in ministry . So if you ’ re a leader in your next gen ministry , how can you encourage others to join your worship team and be inspired ?
If you ’ re frustrated as a youth worship leader due to lack of musicians ( which most next gen worship leaders are ), keep in mind that there usually is no shortage of interest from students wanting to be on the worship team . You just need to tap into their excitement and make a way for them to play on your team , even if it ’ s for just one song in the worship set . If you plan out your worship sets three or four weeks ahead , it gives you plenty of time to take two or three students under your wing and give them a little musical coaching , with the goal of them playing in an up-and-coming worship service . The excitement and buzz it creates for the rest of the students in your ministry to see someone new on the platform leading worship with the band creates even more interest , and soon you ’ ll have a bunch of new recruits to your worship team !
There have been so many instances where a student comes to us for training that has had prior music lessons , but they wanted to change teachers because they felt stifled with their current lesson strategy . We ’ ve had countless parents tell us that their kids had been taking music lessons for one or two years , but they couldn ’ t even play a song yet . They felt bogged down with all the technicalities and music theory , when all they wanted to do was just be in a band and play actual songs ! We all know that music theory and technique play an essential part in a student ’ s musical training , to help them become well-rounded great musicians . But we ’ ve found that in order to inspire them , to ignite their passion for music , we need to set reasonable and short-term goals for them , getting them to learn just one song as quickly as possible , while also providing outlets to play music in a live situation with other students .
But you can play a huge role in your church ’ s growth and in your next gen worship services ! I ’ d like to recommend thinking outside of the box the next few Sundays or mid-week services . Maybe you currently have a handful of students that serve in your youth ministry with you . They might be faithful greeters , production assistants , team leaders . Try approaching them and ask if they want to play on the worship team next month . They might look at you like you ’ re crazy and say , “ What are you talking about ?” But let them know you would like
to come alongside them and assign them a simple musical part they could play , even if it ’ s just the chorus of one song . Some examples of easy parts you could give them would be : whole note piano chords on just the choruses of one song . You could have someone play 8th or 16th notes on an egg shaker or tambourine or use a synth keyboard with a tambourine or shaker percussion sound . It will add so much to your front of house mix ! You could also ask if they would be willing to sing in unison on just the choruses . You might have to keep their mic low in the mix until they can acquire good pitch , but it ’ s a starting point . We ’ ve seen firsthand that once these students get in a live worship situation with you , even if it ’ s just for one song , or just a bridge or chorus of a song , it will definitely light a fire in them . By keeping it simple , you can start to build your own youth worship army in your church right now ! May you be blessed as you pour into or become the next generation of worship leaders !
Vance & Michelle Shepherd Founders of The Shepherd School of Music in Las Vegas , NV , where they work with youth to raise up the next generation of worship leaders and musicians . facebook . com / shepherdschoolofmusiclasvegas www . ShepherdStudiosLV . com
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