PRAY . PRAY . PRAY . | Yancy
I ’ ve been walking through a season where repeatedly I keep hearing people share about prayer . I ’ ve heard individuals speak of the conviction they have to increase their prayer life . I ’ ve seen Instagram posts where leaders like Taylor Madu shared rich wisdom like , “ You ’ re only as strong as your prayers .” As I ’ ve stayed busy leading worship at various events I ’ ve been reminded of my need to prayerfully enter the space where I sit to plan out my worship sets .
You may be ready to turn the page right now . Maybe you ’ re even rolling your eyes at me a little bit thinking , “ Are you really going to just talk to me about praying right now ? What I need are worship leading tips .” Yes , indeed . Let me tell you about a time when I needed to be reminded of what can seem like an ordinary , we all should be doing it , Christian thing .
I remember the conversation like it was yesterday . We were sitting in the Worship Pastor ’ s office . At this time , I was overseeing student worship along with young adults and preteen teams too . We were having a discussion about some holes on our team , various leaders and musicians that were needed in specific areas . We also had some equipment needs . There was a desire for a new drum set in a room and a few other things . Now , at this point in my life I was mid-twenties in age . I was a professional Christian . I was born in the church . I ’ ve been a PK my whole life . I ’ ve also loved Jesus my whole life . ( Amen !) Church is what I know … inside and out . The good , the bad and the ugly .
I knew how to be a Christ follower and I knew how to be a Christian leader . But , I ’ ll be honest in the middle of our discussion my worship leader had what seemed to me to be the most brilliant idea . He declared , “ Let ’ s make a list and then let ’ s pray about it .” Now I realize you may be a spiritual powerhouse and don ’ t need the reminder to pray . Or you may have been like I was that afternoon . It was like a light bulb had gone off with the easiest , most greatest idea ever . I thought he was a genius . Why had it not dawned on me to pray about these needs ? In all the busyness of ministry life I had forgotten about the power I had to pray . Have you ever been guilty of that too ? It should be our nature to invite God into our spaces and ask Him to move in what we are doing . That day I learned a lesson that I have not since forgotten . Instead of trying to fix the issues that we are facing at work , in ministry , among the teams that we lead , we should take the time to pray and ask God for help . Ask Him for wisdom on how to problem solve challenges you may have . Pray over the needs you have whether they be personnel , equipment or insight on how to lead your group in worship .
I believe in the power of our prayers . I also believe there is still work we have to do . There will still be action to take . You ’ ll still have to work on recruiting members for the team . But I am convinced that God will align your conversations . That He will open doors . I believe He will speak to your Spirit and give you ideas you ’ ve never had before in your physical mind , but through the eyes and ears of your Spirit-man , God will reveal to you what your next move is .
May I remind you to pray over your worship
sets ? As you sit down to plan out songs don ’ t just pick a song because it ’ s time to sing that one again . Take a look at the message that ’ s being taught . Invite God into your space and ask Him to lead you in what He wants you to lead your group to for that day ’ s worship set . I believe God wants to empower you as you invite Him into whatever place you dwell . Choose to lead others empowered by the power of prayer in your own life . Don ’ t just let your Pastoral leadership have the responsibility of praying for your area . You pray over the kids . Pray over your team . Pray over needs . Pray over your song sets . Pray over what God wants you to teach and share . In response I know He will increase your ability to lead others to Him through worship .
© 2021 Yancy Ministries , Inc . Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her beloved “ Little Praise Party ” series for young kids is Dove Award nominated . Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a curriculum to teach kids the heart of worship . Her book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ” releases this fall . She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com