Worship Musician Magazine September 2021 | Page 22

NEW MUSIC with feeling and drive . The song is very vertical in nature and the chorus will stick in your mind and heart long after the final note rings out .
“ No One ” is a gorgeous piano ballad sung by Setnick Sene that borrows its lyrical imagery from Revelations 4 and 5 which describes in great detail what worship looks like around God ’ s throne in heaven .
The best song on the album is “ Just That Good ”. Some slick writing and a driving rhythm vault this toe-tapper as one of the standout songs on the album as Heath Balltzglier musically weaves many of the ways that God ’ s goodness shows up in our lives .
“ We ’ re Ready ” wraps up the album appropriately with the silky soprano of Cheryl Stark as she reminds the Body of Christ that when all else fails , God never does , and we can find our hope in the love of Jesus .
There are some really nice worship moments on this little EP and there were only a few spots where the cliché ’ s threatened to raise their ugly heads here . The mix was spot-on and there are lots of strong phrases and hooks your church will love . Check it out .
TASHA LAYTON Look At What You ’ ve Done
1 . Look At What You ’ ve Done 2 . I Got You 3 . Brave Heart ( Dear Daughter )
Tasha Layton is no new comer to the world of CCM Worship . Her third EP , entitled Look At What You ’ ve Done is made up of just three tracks but each one is written with honest sincerity and born out of her own personal experiences of the highs and lows of living a life of faith . Vocally , Tasha reminds me of a young Sheryl Crow but with a more impressive upper register as she often floats above the clouds with her soaring melodies giving warmth and sparkle to these vertical songs of worship .
The title track is the standout of the three as we hear about how even though we often miss the mark of living a sinless life , our God rescues us within our sinfulness and lifts us up freeing us from condemnation . The chorus shines with lyrical hope as Layton triumphantly sings ; “ Look at me now , look how you made me new . The enemy did everything he could do oh but look what You ’ ve done !” The Gospel story is played out in its entirety here as the bridge announces the saving power of Christ ’ s death and resurrection which has secured our redemption and eternal glory .
" I Got You ," is a fun musical spin on an eternal truth ; no matter what comes in this life , our God never leaves those He loves . The combination of 70 ’ s Rhoades keyboards , house beats and techno bleeps throughout give this little ditty a definite toe-tappin ’ quality and the arrangement is just genius . I wouldn ’ t exactly call this particular track a congregationally friendly worship tune per se , but it could be a neat little performance tune that could be powerfully used in a sermon series about God ’ s faithfulness .
The little EP wraps up with an intimate piano wrapped track called “ Brave Heart ( Dear Daughter )” that focuses us on how God encourages us to cling to His word and promises during challenging times . Written from God ’ s perspective to His creation ( specifically daughters ) this creative piece shares how much our God loves us and wants us to remain close to Him while pointing us to be encouragers to others who doubt their faith . Layton ’ s voice pierces the heart this song will bring you to your knees while reminding us of how much our God seeks relationship with us .
The arrangements and mix were on point here and this is a gem of an EP . Layton ’ s voice carries the album and honestly , I could just sit and listen to her for hours . Mostly free of cliché ’ s and intelligently written , she knocked it out of the park . I only wish there were more tracks as for me , three just wasn ’ t enough .
Gerod Bass Worship leader in Tacoma , WA . Mentor with Worship Catalyst . Singer , songwriter , guitarist with a passion for impacting lives for the sake of the Gospel . www . oslc . com
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