to purge God ' s love from our hearts . " Hope of Alabama " will be performed during the World Games Opening & Closing Ceremonies .
[ WM ] I am in awe of getting the chance to speak with you because I have personally experienced the magic of a Blind Boys of Alabama performance . Thank you for your 80 + year history and faithfulness !
[ The Blind Boys of Alabama ] Our appearance at the World Games will give the Blind Boys another chance to say what we have always said through our music and our faith . As God said in the Bible : “ If I be lifted-up , I will draw all men . It ’ s not about us , but about the good news that is Gospel music ."
[ WM ] And Pastor Mike , it ’ s absolutely thrilling to me to see the blessing that God has put upon your life . Firstly , with the planting and amazing growth of Rock City Church in Birmingham , Alabama , and now with the explosive outreach within Gospel music , and your multiple Stellar and Dove Award wins and nominations , sales , and radio airplay . From the 5 Stellar Awards to the critical role that you play in the inner city of Birmingham , this kind of impact is unprecedented . What can you say about this ?
Blind Boys of Alabama - Amazing Grace
[ Pastor Mike Jr .] I can truly say God is amazing , man . I mean this from the bottom of my heart . Growing up in Birmingham , I always felt like I was special or different , and always felt like God called me to do something . For a lack of a better term , big , but never in a million years could I have imagined that God would do it this quickly . You know , from starting the church at 25 years old , and by 27 , thousands and thousands of souls are saved . We paid off over a million dollar ’ s-worth of medical debt . We bought houses for people , cars , given away gas . We ' ve done so much for the school system , and I just believe your misery becomes your ministry .
One thing I remember growing up is seeing a lot of pain and seeing a lot of hurt in people ' s lives . And I always told God if He gave me the opportunity , I ' d be a blessing . We ' ll be remembered for two things ; the problems you cause and the problems you solve . And I want my life ' s legacy to be , " He was a problem solver ." That where there was a hunger problem , a soul problem , a knee problem , whatever it was , he solved that problem .
Winning Artist of The Year was incredible ! I was just talking to someone yesterday and I told them . I said when they got ready to announce , “ The winner is ”, Hezekiah Walker ' s face just ... You could see shock come over it . I turned to my wife and said , " They ' re about to call my name ." And they said , " Pastor Mike Jr ." And all I could think about was the years of hard work and loving people . And that God didn ' t forget his word . He kept his promise to me , man . So , I ' m just excited and I ' m humbled , and I pray that Birmingham is being seen in a great light . So much negativity about Birmingham has been shared throughout the years . From civil rights to politics , to so many things . I pray that they now see Birmingham as a place , once again of reconciliation and change .
[ WM ] You ’ ll be part of the exceptional line-up of artists participating with the World Games next summer in Birmingham . Tell us about this
Blind Boys of Alabama