Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 54
moment or talking to someone in the crowd,
just clarify.
I don’t think we have to get better at
confrontation or conflict, we have to get better
at resolution. I’m okay with conflict as long
as it resolves. It’s like when you play that D
suspended note, that’s fine if it’s suspended,
you’ve just got to resolve it back to the one, go
back to the G.
[WM] You list three components of successful
teamwork - Direction / People / Systems &
Structure. How does this flow together in a
church setting?
[Chad] This is all church settings, we really
have to do those three things well. I wish that a
church just grew if I loved Jesus, but the reality
is that it takes these three things, especially the
structure part. Structure in church is like the
bones in our body, without that skeleton we
wouldn’t be able to function. I love the Spirit
and I want the Spirit to move, but you ever
notice how the Spirit won’t move for decades
without structure? So I think this is important,
we’ve got to get this down.
[WM] As a leader, you have a great segment
on “What You Say Matters”. Tell us about that?
[Chad] The problem is no one rolled out of
bed this morning going, “Oh man, I am so
important, and I have sooo much influence”,
no one is egotistical like that. But you’ve got to
have a measure of responsibility to understand
that you do have great weight and great value
in peoples lives. So what you say matters, what
you post matters, the way you live your life
matters, and the quickest way to lose influence
is to be negligent with it.
[WM] You also say that “meetings matter”.
In a worship team you have communication,
rehearsals, pre-service meetings etc. Connect
the dots here for us?
[Chad] Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon,
he said that he has a “two pizza” rule. That
he never lets a meeting get so big that two
pizzas can’t feed the whole group of people
in the meeting. I think tricks like that allow us
to have meetings. I know another guy who’s a
successful business guy. He puts up a clock for
thirty minutes so that meetings don’t go longer,
there’s nothing worse than a meeting going
an hour and a half that could have been thirty
54 September 2020
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